
  • 网络Chun'an County;Chun'an Grafschaft;Chun'an Comt;Chun'an Condado
  1. 淳安县林业可持续发展能力的评价和分析

    Evaluation and analysis of capacity of forestry sustainable development in Chun'an County

  2. 1963年,淳安县划属杭州市。

    In1963 , Hangzhou Chun'an County is zoned .

  3. 淳安县新农村建设中污水处理工作的探讨

    Discussion of Sewage Water Treatment in the New Socialist Countryside of Chun'an

  4. 淳安县森林资源培育和保护现状及其展望

    Status of Cultivation and Protection of Forest Resources in Chun'an and Its Prospect

  5. 千岛湖位于浙江杭州淳安县内。

    Thousand Islets Lake lies in Chun'an county of Hangzhou City , Zhejiang Province .

  6. 土地开发整理的生态足迹评价&以浙江省淳安县为例

    Ecological Footprint Evaluation of Land Reclamation & A Case Study in Chun'an County , Zhejiang Province

  7. 生态足迹综合法动态分析与组分法的对比研究&以浙江省淳安县为例

    Contrast Study of Ecological Footprint Evaluation : Compound Approach and Component Approach & Taking Chun'an as an Example

  8. 利用设置在浙江省淳安县2份不同测交系交配设计子代遗传测定林材料,对马尾松生长性状进行遗传分析。

    Progenies of two test materials grown in Chun'an county of Zhejiang Province derived from different Pinus massoniana tester strains were used for genetic analysis of growth traits .

  9. 通过对淳安县森林资源培育和保护现状的调查,结合生态环境建设的实际,提出了该县6大生态工程建设的可行性项目及其相应措施。

    This paper proposed six practicable projects of ecological engineering in Chun'an and their relative measures , by investigation on status of cultivation and protection of its forest resources .

  10. 本文对淳安县茶产业发展现状进行了深入调研和客观分析,在此基础上就做大做强茶淳安产业提出了对策措施和建议。

    In this paper , Chun-an tea industry development status of in-depth research and objective analysis was put forward on the basis of bigger and stronger tea industry of countermeasures .

  11. 本文在对淳安县水产业发展现状的深入调研和客观分析的基础上,提出了做大做强水产业的对策建议。

    In this paper , the development status of ChunAn city aquaculture deep research and objective analysis was put forward on the basis of bigger and stronger aquaculture countermeasures and Suggestions .

  12. 从浙江省淳安县生态公益林管护的现状出发,解剖了当前生态公益林管护中普遍存在的问题,并对其原因进行分析。

    Set out from the ecosystem present condition of public-spirited forest in Chun'an county of Zhejiang province , dissect public-spirited of current ecosystem to win the widespread and existent problem , and as to its the reason carry on the analysis .

  13. 这些区域包括除建德市、淳安县外的杭州市各市县区以及湖州、绍兴等几个城市的部分区县。

    Those areas include all cities , counties and districts under the administration of Hangzhou , apart from the city of Jiande and the county of Chun'an , as well as some districts and counties in a number of other cities , including Huzhou and Shaoxing .

  14. 根据森林植被调查结果,分析了浙江省淳安县森林资源的特点与建设优质高效森林基地的必要性、紧迫性,探讨了建设优质高效森林资源基地的基本思路和发展目标及有关问题。

    Taking Chun'an County , Zhejiang Province as example , based on investigation of forest vegetation , this paper analyzed forest resource characteristics , necessity and pressure of developing forest resource base of high quality and utility , probed into the basic thought and expanding target and relevant problems .