
  • 网络Mixed Gas
  1. 混合煤气加热K值的计算

    Calculation of Heating K Value of Mixed Gas

  2. 在钢厂的循环发电工程中,各钢厂利用公称直径d≥200mm的大型调节阀对混合煤气进行压力控制。

    Steel mills using waste gas in combined cycle power project , steel mills use the nominal diameter ≥ 200mm of large control valve to control pressure of the mixed gas .

  3. 混合煤气热值智能PID控制

    The Intelligent PID Control for Thermal Value of Mixing Gas

  4. 稳定加热炉用混合煤气热值的方法探讨

    Approach to stable calorific value of mixed gas for reheating furnace

  5. 混合煤气电除尘冲洗污水处理及再利用

    Disposal and Reutilization of Electrically Dusting Washing Sewage of Mixing Gas

  6. 混合煤气压力和热值的模糊解耦控制

    Fuzzy Decoupling Control of Pressure and Heating Power for Mixed Gas

  7. 基于电液调节阀的大流量混合煤气压力控制研究

    Pressure Control of Large-flow Mixed Gas Based on Electro-hydraulic Control Valve

  8. 高炉-焦炉混合煤气高速烧嘴的研究

    High-velocity burner for mixed blast furnace and coke oven gases

  9. 混合煤气发生炉料层厚度对炉况的影响

    Effects and Optimum Controlling of Material-layer Thickness on Mixture Gas Generator Process

  10. 混合煤气热值压力双稳微机控制系统

    A Microcomputer-Controlled System for Both Calorific Value and Pressure of Mixed Gas

  11. 混合煤气热值实用控制系统

    A practical control system of the mixed gas calorific value

  12. 混合煤气热处理炉电控系统的设计

    Design of Electric Control System for Mixture Coal Gas Heat Treatment Furnace

  13. 复合智能控制器在混合煤气站的应用

    The Application of the Compound Intellectual Controller in the Mixed Gas Station

  14. 混合煤气加压系统的智能控制研究

    Study on Application of Agent Control on Pressurize System for Mixed Coal Gas

  15. 混合煤气加压机模糊控制系统

    Computer fuzzy control system of mixed gas repressuring machine

  16. 混合煤气双蓄热燃烧技术在安钢的应用与分析

    Application analysis of double regenerative combustion technology with mixed coal gas in Angang

  17. 混合煤气热值负偏差控制的开发与应用

    Development and Application of the Thermal Value Negative Deviation Control of Mixed Gas

  18. 混合煤气自动调节系统的研制

    Development of Automatic Control System of Mixed Gas

  19. 冷轧混合煤气系统试用转炉煤气生产成功

    Successful Application of Gas from a Revolver in a Mixed Gas System for Cold Rolling

  20. 混合煤气双预热蓄热式加热炉的技术改进

    Technical improvement of mixed-gas doble-preheating heating furnace

  21. 焦炉与高炉混合煤气

    Mixed coke oven and blast furnace gas

  22. 热值和压力是混合煤气最重要的两个质量指标,是影响轧钢、发电等用户安全稳定生产最重要的因素。

    Calorific value and pressure are the two most important gas quality indicators of gas mixing .

  23. 混合煤气热值波动对镀锌预热炉能耗影响分析

    Analysis on Effects of Heat Value Variation of Mixed Gas on Energy Consumption of Galvanizing Preheating Furnace

  24. 综述了混合煤气发生炉的结构、原理、操作等。

    The paper generally describes the structure principle and operation of the mixture coal gas producing furnace .

  25. 诣在探讨应用智能调节器控制混合煤气热值。

    It is discussed how to apply intelligent regulator to control the combustion value of mixing gas .

  26. 大流量混合煤气调节阀电液比例系统稳压技术的研究

    Study on Pressure Pulsation Control Technology of Control Valve Driven by Electro-hydraulic Proportional System in Large-flow Mixed Gas Pipe

  27. 采用热值和压力的反馈模糊控制器,初步稳定混合煤气热值和压力的波动。

    Calorific value and pressure feedback fuzzy controller are designed to stable the fluctuations of the calorific value and pressure .

  28. 本文介绍了利用模糊控制技术对混合煤气加压机这种非线性系统进行恒压控制的方法。

    This paper presents a method of keeping press of mixing gas pressure constant with the use of fuzzy control .

  29. 而加热燃料是高焦炉混合煤气,属易燃易爆、易中毒能源介质。

    The fuel for heating is mixed gas from shaft furnace and coking furnace , easily combusted , exploded and poisoned .

  30. 焦炉与高炉混合煤气炉内煤粉燃烧一维数学模型及其仿真

    Mixed coke oven and blast furnace gas One-dimensional Mathematical Model and Relevant Simulation for Pulverized Coal Combustion in a Boiler Furnace