
  • 网络suspension;Injectable Suspension;TPF-D
  1. 目的研究胰岛素脂质混悬液(ILS)经正常大鼠气管滴注给药后肺部吸收的生物利用度,并对给药造成的肺损伤进行初步考察。

    Purpose To study the bioavailability of pulmonary administered insulin lipid suspension ( ILS ) in normal rats and to investigate the damage to the lung after administration .

  2. 结论使用适中剂量西沙必利混悬液(每次剂量为0.1mg~0.15mg/kg,每天4次),治疗早产儿胃食管反流安全有效,值得推广。

    Conclusions The moderate dosage of Cisapride suspension ( 0.1mg / kg ~ 0.15mg/kg for one dosage , four times a day ) in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in premature was safe and effective , and could be widely recommended .

  3. 中国药典(2000)棕榈氯霉素混悬液中A晶型限量检查法采用A、B两种晶型两个峰位处的基线校正法。

    Limit test of Polymorph A in the chloramphenicol palmitate suspension on Ch. P. ( 2000 ) and Ch.

  4. 纳米TiO2混悬液中罗丹明B含量检测研究

    Study on determination of rhodamine B in nano-TiO_2 suspension

  5. 用HPLC法测定了纳米混悬液的含药量和包封率。

    The contents of dispersion and entrapment efficiency of nanoparticles were determined by HPLC .

  6. 口服红氧化铁混悬液用于胃部MRI的研究

    RED IS THE EAST Study of Stomach Using Ferric Oxide Suspension as Oral Contrast Agent in MRI

  7. 西药治疗组给予苯巴比妥混悬液60mg/(kg·d)灌胃;

    The western medicine ( PB ) group received 60 mg / kg phenobarbital suspension daily by gastric perfusion .

  8. 二硫化碳对神经细胞混悬液及突触膜ATP酶和胆碱酯酶活性影响

    Effects of Carbon Disulfide on Membrane-Bound Integral Enzymes with Neuron and Glia Cell Mixture and Synaptosome

  9. 小鼠灌胃SCC粉末混悬液可缩短出血和凝血时间。

    SCC powder suspension on po administration can contract bleeding and coagulation time .

  10. 方法:对8例正常成人小肠标本采用ABS血管铸型、硫酸钡墨汁混悬液血管造影及图像分析进行血管研究。

    Materials and Methods : Eight biopsy specimens from normal adults were studied with vascular cast , an-giography and quantitative analysis .

  11. 与姜黄素溶液相比,姜黄素PLGA纳米混悬液的相对生物利用度为1182.9%。

    Compared to curcumine solution , the relative bioavailability of Cur-PLGA-NPs was 1182.9 % .

  12. 方法HPLC测定三七总皂苷混悬液大鼠鼻腔给药后血样中人参皂苷Rg1的浓度,考察药物在体内的动力学过程,并计算其绝对生物利用度;

    Methods After administration , Rg1 concentration in the serum was analyzed by HPLC and the absolute bioavailability was calculated .

  13. 在雄大鼠,注铜粉蓖麻油混悬液于附睾头165天后,取下丘脑、垂体、睾丸和附睾,常规固定包埋染色(包括HE、PAS和硫堇染色),光镜观察。

    In male rats , 165 days after the injection of the copper powder in castor oil the caput epididymidis .

  14. 姜黄素溶液和姜黄素PLGA纳米混悬液在血液中的药动学行为均可用二室模型描述(权重为1)。

    The pharmacokinetic characteristics of curcumine solution and Cur-PLGA-NPs in rats could be described as two-compartment model ( weight 1 ) .

  15. 结论盐酸氨溴索、布地奈德混悬液氧气驱动雾化吸入防治NRDS有较好疗效。

    Conclusion Inhaled ambroxol hydrochloride and budesonide suspension treatment has be well effect in NRDS .

  16. 取BABL/C小鼠腹腔注射5%鸡红细胞混悬液免疫,免疫后肌注环磷酰胺,建立免疫低下模型。

    The model of subnormal immunocompetence was established in BABL / C mice by intra-abdominal injection of 5 % chicken red cells suspension following with intramuscular injection of endoxan .

  17. 目的本实验观察了猪肺表面活性物质(PPS)混悬液对肺灌洗致兔急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的治疗作用。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of intratracheal instillation of porcine pulmonary surfactant ( PPS ) in rabbits with lung lavage-induced acute respiratory distress ( ARDS ) .

  18. 清解注射液对小白鼠急性毒性试验,LD(50)为167.294g/kg;对20%的猪、牛血球混悬液进行了几天观察,无溶血现象。

    The results showed that QING - JIE injection had its LD50 as 167 . 294g / kg for mice , and had no hemolysis effect on RBC suspension ( 20 % ) .

  19. 本文报告采用自制真丝线段混悬液血管内治疗脑动静脉畸形(AVM)37例的临床观察。

    Abstract The article reports the clinical observation of the endovascular therapy of cerebral arteriovenous malformations in 37 patients with surgical silk mixture fluid made by ourselves .

  20. 结果三七总皂苷混悬液鼻腔给药后,Rg1在大鼠体内的过程符合二室模型,其绝对生物利用度为10356%;

    Results The in vivo course of Rg1 in rats conformed to two-compartment model after intranasal administration of PNS suspension and the absolute bioavailability was 103.56 % .

  21. 后五组予以造模,模型大鼠按1.35ml/200g体重/只,每日灌服0.04%他巴唑混悬液,共计造模45天。

    The rats of the latter 5 groups were made model by infusing 0.04 % tapazole suspension 1.35ml/200g/day for 45 days .

  22. 方法根据病因在不同部位用2%利多卡因5mL、确炎舒松A30mg混悬液进行局部封闭治疗。

    According to different causes of great occipital neuralgia , 2 % lidocaine and triamcinolone were injected locally at different point .

  23. 方法兔肝脏左中叶注射VX2肿瘤组织混悬液,建立肝脏肿瘤模型。

    Methods The hepatocarcinoma animal models were established by implantation of VX_2 tumor tissue masses into the left-middle lobe of liver in rabbits .

  24. 方法用酵母混悬液复制发热大鼠模型,采用实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应检测大鼠下丘脑中COX-1、COX-2的mRNA表达的变化。

    METHODS The animal model was induced by injecting suspension of yeast hypodermically . The mRNA expression changes of COX-1 and COX-2 in hypothalamus of rats were detected by real time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction .

  25. 绝对生物利用度(fabs)55.80%和43.84%;1缓释混悬液相对于溶液剂的生物利用度(frel)为127.29%。

    Compared with galantamine solution , the relative bioavailability of sustained release suspension was 127.29 % .

  26. 目的:探讨四氧化三铁(Fe3O4)微粒与碘化油混悬液(Suspensionoftri-irontetroxidemicrospheresandLipiodol,STML)行肝动脉栓塞治疗肝癌的疗效。

    PURPOSE : To evaluate the clinical efficacy of hepatic artery infusion the suspension of tri-iron tetroxide microspheres and lipiodol ( STML ) in the treatment of unresectable liver tumors .

  27. 方法采用0.9%氯化钠注射液和硅油的混悬液1ml,每天1次静脉注射到家兔体内,分别为3次、6次、9次。

    Methods Silicon oil suspension containing 0.9 % sodium chloride were injected intravenously to the rabbit bodies by 3 , 6 and 9 times respectively .

  28. 目的探讨不同剂量猪肺表面活性物质(PPS)混悬液对油酸致大鼠急性肺损伤(ALI)的治疗作用及量效关系。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects and dose-effect relationship of intratracheal instillation of different doses of porcine pulmonary surfactant ( PPS ) in rats with oleic acid ( OA ) induced acute lung injury ( ALI ) .

  29. 实验组:从怀孕第十天起,将120mg/kg维甲酸(RetinoicAcid,RA)与石蜡油混悬液(40mg/ml)经胃管一次注入。

    In the experimental group , a single dose of 120mg / kg per body weight of all-trans-retinoic acid suspended in mineral oil ( 40mg / ml ) was given intragastrically to the pregnant rats on day 10 of pregnancy .

  30. 结果:2例患者经去除应激因素、全身支持治疗、胃肠减压、管内投放硫糖铝混悬液、同时静脉滴注制酸剂或H2受体拮抗剂后均痊愈。

    The surgery were performed both through intra-thoracic and retroperitoneal approach . Results : The two patients recovered after eliminating stress factors , general supporting , drainage with nasogastric tube , intragastric sucralfate , and intra-venous antacids or H_2 blockers .