
  • 网络mixed production
  1. 带有单件流的混流生产方式提前期的分析与优化

    Analysis and Optimization of Lead Time of Mixed Production System with One Piece Flow

  2. 混流生产线的排产方法

    Production scheduling for mixed production line

  3. 启明ERP混流生产计划的研究与设计

    Study and Design of Advanced Planning and Scheduling for QM ERP

  4. 基于JIT的一种混流生产排序模型

    A Model of Mixing Production Schedule Based on JIT

  5. 因此,通过对混流生产线的研究可以更好地发挥JIT生产方式的优势。

    Therefore , advantage of JIT production mode can be better developed by studying on mixed-model assembly line .

  6. JIT生产方式运用混流生产线进行生产,将市场需求与生产过程结合起来,提高了产品的竞争力。

    JIT production mode utilizes mixed-model assembly lines to produce , which can combine demands of market with process of manufacture and improves competition of products .

  7. 在国内,由于汽车制造企业采用JIT生产方式的时间较晚,且只有大型汽车制造企业采用此种方式,从而,混流生产线的投产排序研究才刚刚起步。

    In our country , time when car-manufacturing enterprises adopt JIT production mode is late and only large-scale car-manufacturing enterprises have adopted JIT production mode . Wherefore study of production sequencing for mixed-model assembly line is in initial stage .

  8. 准时生产计划及混流生产线的调度

    JIT Production Plan and Commissioning of Mix-line Production WOUNDED PATIENT FLOW

  9. 混流生产线平衡的动态规划及启发式方法

    Dynamic Programming and Heuristic Algorithm for Balancing Mixed Model Lines

  10. 基于制造业的混流生产物料顺序供应研究

    Research on Materials Sequence Supply of Mixed-model Production Based on Manufacturing Industry

  11. 阐述了混流生产线的投产排序问题。

    This paper discusses the production sequence problem of the mixed-model production line .

  12. 我国是一个制造业大国,混流生产线车间在我国制造业车间比较具有代表性。

    Mixed flow production line workshop has great representativeness in the manufacturing workshop of our country .

  13. 在混流生产方式中,缓冲区是整个制造系统的重要组成部分。

    In the mixed-model assembly production , buffer is an important component part of manufacturing system .

  14. 多品种混流生产管理系统在柴油发动机生产中的应用及发展

    The application and expanding of multi-breeds mixed producing system controlled by computer in diesel engine producing

  15. 混流生产线产品投产顺序方案相对优劣的评价指标的设计

    Design of Evaluating Index for Sequencing Scheme of Putting into Operation of Products on Mixed-stream Production Line

  16. 按照日本丰田公司的分类方法,混流生产线投产排序主要有三个目标:目标1是均衡混流生产线上每个工位的装配时间;

    There are three objectives according to classification of Toyota Automobile Corporation in sequencing for mixed-model assembly lines .

  17. 多品种混流生产线产品投产顺序编排问题的优化方法探讨

    A New Optimization Method for Working Sequence of Putting into Operation of Products on Multi-assortment Mixed-stream Production Line

  18. 为适应多品种混流生产的检测需要,设计了一系列通用性较强的检测装置。

    To suit the inspection requirement for mixed multi-product production , a series of versatile inspection equipment was designed .

  19. 汽车混流生产是提高企业竞争力、保证客户满意的有效手段。

    The mixed-model production is an effective method to improve the competitiveness of automobile enterprise , and to satisfy with customers .

  20. 汽车生产已从单一品种、批量化生产方式转化为多品种小批量的混流生产。

    The automobile production has transformed completely from the little-variety-and-volume-production mode into the mode of mixed-model production with great varieties and large volumes .

  21. 实践证明,这些混流生产的通用型检测装置非常适合中、小批量生产及新产品的开发试制,具有一定的应用价值。

    Practice indicated that these equipments are suitable for small and medium batch production or new product development and prototyping , and have definite technical application prospects .

  22. 第二章:结合案例&东风汽车公司发动机厂曲轴、凸轮轴混流生产技术改造项目,对该项目进行可行性研究分析。

    In Chapter 2 a feasibility analysis is made on the case-The project of process rebuilding for crank shaft and cam shaft flexible manufactory lines of engine plant of DFM .

  23. 运用数学规划方法及生产作业排队理论,建立了一种基于准时生产的同质产品的混流生产排序模型。

    With the method of mathematical programming and theory of jobshop scheduling , this article defines a model of mixing production schedule for same category to produce based on JIT .

  24. 应用计算机进行柔性化管理,实现了小批量多品种混流生产,满足了生产线装配不同系列不同机型发动机的需要。

    The flexible management system controlled by computer is introduced which can realize multi-breed batch mixed producing and meet the need of assembling various types of engines in the product line .

  25. 混流生产对于零部件的供应提出较高的要求,如何在准确的时间将准确数量的零部件送到指定的地点是混流生产线零部件供应的一大难题。

    The mixed-model production puts forward high requirements of components supply , and the major challenge lies in how to supply an exact number of components to a specific location on time .

  26. 在基本生产活动特征状态方程表达基础上,针对机械制造企业中普遍存在多阶段混流生产过程,定义物料供应和设备共享两种基本生产活动之间的衔接关系。

    Two relationships of the basic production activities , which are called supplying materials and sharing capacity respectively , are defined for the mutil-stage and mutil-product production processes in mechanical manufacturing systems .

  27. 针对顾客化大量生产模式的计划平准化模型的优化问题,研究了混流生产线上产品需求量相差甚大条件下的产品投产(或加工)顺序问题。

    According to the model of the production smoothing based on mass customization , the processing sequence of products is studied in the mixed model production system when ever the demands of products are very different .

  28. 混流生产线由于能够快速满足顾客多样化的需求,正在被越来越多的制造企业所采用,混流装配排序优化对于企业降低生产成本,提高生产效率具有重要意义。

    Mixed-model assembly lines are increasingly accepted in industry to cope with the trend of diversification of customer demands , and mixed-model sequencing problems are of particular importance for the reduction in cost and improvement in productivity .

  29. 由于混流生产线上不同产品所需的加工工序和作业时间存在差异,为了保证混流生产线的正常运转,混流生产线必须考虑投产排序问题。

    Thanks to difference of producing process and operation time to different product on mixed-model assembly line , production sequencing problem of mixed-model assembly line must be considered , in order to guaranteeing regular work of mixed-model assembly line .

  30. 但是在多品种小批量混流生产的调度中,由于制造系统的随机性特征,系统的瓶颈随着不同的产品组合或任务组合而漂移,变得难以确定。

    But for the complex hybrid production scheduling under multi-product and small lot-size environment , the bottlenecks are difficult to be identified and drifting with different products mix or tasks combination because of the stochastic features of manufacturing systems .