
  1. 正因为如此,才使胡适研究清代哲学更有深度,更能体现其研究价值。

    Because of this , the study which Hu Shi proceeds can reflect more depth and the value of his research becomes more and more important .

  2. 清代哲学史的研究是中国古代哲学史研究的重要组成部分,胡适对这一内容也进行过比较系统的论述。

    The study of the history of philosophy in the Qing Dynasty is an important part of the history of philosophy in ancient Chinese , and Hu Shi has had systematic discussion on this content .

  3. 作为两汉至清代的官方哲学,经学笼罩并渗透到社会生活的方方面面,特别是对政治制度产生了极其深远的影响。

    As the official philosophy which was from Xihan and Donghan Dynasty to Qing Dynasty , effects the society , specifically , effects the politics fully .