
  • 网络A light diet;bland diet;lean cuisine
  1. 他因为大肠炎而吃清淡饮食。

    He ate a bland diet because of his colitis .

  2. 对于腹泻偶尔发作,添加一些罐装的南瓜和益生菌的食物,喂几餐清淡饮食可能的所有要求。

    For the occasional bout of diarrhea , adding some canned pumpkin and probiotics to the food and feeding a bland diet for several meals may be all that is required .

  3. 清淡饮食能清热、防暑、敛汗、补液,还能增进食欲。

    Qingre light dietLianzhi Khan , rehydration , but also enhance the appetite .

  4. 两组均嘱低盐、低脂、高蛋白、清淡饮食。

    Both groups have low salt , low fat , protein , light diet .

  5. 您需要补充水分,好转之前最好清淡饮食。

    You must take more fluid , and just have a light diet until you feel better .

  6. 清淡饮食吃出健康

    Light Food Eating Health

  7. 作为清淡饮食的小吃和饮料。素食美食有时很淡,但是这里的食物味道浓郁。

    Snacks and drinks served as a light meal . Vegetarian dishes are sometimes bland but the food here has lots of flavour .

  8. 一年中最热,酷热多雨,暑易伤津耗气,易中暑及食欲不振,避免暴晒。清淡饮食,充分休息。

    Hottest time of the year , many rains , take Yin-nourishing food to avoid summer heat hearts Body Fluids , prevent heatstroke and inappetence , light food and enough rest

  9. 且在治疗同时应叮嘱患者培养良好的生活习惯(如:清淡饮食、规律运动等)以杜绝此病复发之机。

    It should also be told to patients to develop good habits ( such as : light diet , regular exercise , etc. ) in the treatment to prevent recurrence of the disease .

  10. 治疗组和对照组采用相同的生活方式干预,如戒烟,戒酒,参加体育锻炼,清淡饮食等。

    Treatment group and control group using the same basic treatment , such as smoking cessation , alcohol , take Part in physical exercise , diet , light , combined hyperlipidemia , hyperuricemia and other treatment when symptomatic .

  11. 两组患者均予以卧床休息、抬高患肢、穿戴弹力袜、清淡饮食等基础疗法,给予溶栓、降黏、祛聚、抗凝、抗感染及营养支持治疗;静脉性湿疹溃疡患者予以局部换药治疗。

    All patients to be bed rest , raise wounded limb , wear elastic stockings , light food and other basic therapy for thrombolysis , viscosity , depolymerization , anticoagulant , anti-infective and nutritional support therapy ; Patients with venous ulcers to be dressing eczema treatment .

  12. 因此,换成一种更加健康、清淡的饮食方式。

    Therefore , change to a healthier , lighter diet .

  13. 小朋友没食欲,建议妈妈们给小朋友小份量清淡的饮食,不用担心如果吃的不多,更重要的是补水。

    Don 't worry if he doesn 't eat very much , as drinking is more important when he is ill .

  14. 乙肝患者和乙肝病毒携带者,都应严禁钦酒!前者因肝功能不正常,还宜清淡可口饮食。

    The person that second liver patient and second liver virus are carried , answer forbidden admire wine ! Former because liver function is abnormal , return appropriate delicate and goluptious food .

  15. 解决失眠的办法是降低肝火,同时减轻胃和脾脏的负担,后者可以通过清淡的饮食调理和适当的体育锻炼来得以实现。

    The solution is to calm down the activity of the liver , and to reduce the burden on stomach and spleen , which can be fulfilled by a light diet and gentle exercise .

  16. 每一顿饭都保持清淡,因为饮食太重会导致人昏昏欲睡。

    Keep each meal light , as heavy dishes will cause you to be drowsy .