
qīng dùn
  • boiled in clear soup;stew meat without seasoning
清炖 [qīng dùn]
  • [stew meat without seasoning] 烹调法,汤中不放酱油,慢慢炖(肉类)

  • 清炖鸡

清炖[qīng dùn]
  1. 主菜将是一整条清炖鲑鱼。

    The main course was to be a whole poached salmon .

  2. 那道清炖牛肉胡萝卜的菜味道不错。

    The dish of boiled beef and carrot tastes good .

  3. 也许我可以推荐清炖冬菇和清汤。

    Perhaps I can recommend mushroom soup and clear soup .

  4. 不同分析方法对清炖牛肉风味化合物成分分析的影响

    Effects of Different Analysis Methods on Stewed Beef Volatile Compounds

  5. 清炖蟹粉狮子头—这道菜的名字是形象的说法。

    Lion 's head braised with crab-powder there is a metaphor in the dish name .

  6. 这台ISSpresso还能制作其他热饮,包括茶和清炖肉汤。

    The ISSpresso machine makes other hot drinks as well , including tea and consomm é .