首页 / 词典 / good

  • floodwater on low-lying land;stain;sludge;filth
  • soak;steep;ret;be stained
  • 浸,沤:浸~。淹~。~麻。

  • 油、泥等积在上面难以除去,亦指积在物体上面难以除去的油、泥等:油~。茶~。

  • 染,沾染:~染。渐~。

  • 地面的积水:~水。~涝。


(地面的积水) floodwater on low-lying land:

  • 内渍

    floodwater in the field;

  • 防洪排渍

    prevention of floods and drainage of floodwater


[方] (积在物体上难以除去的油泥等) stain; sludge; filth:

  • 茶渍

    tea stains;

  • 汗渍

    sweat stain;

  • 墨渍

    ink stain;

  • 油渍

    oil sludge;

  • 污渍



(浸;沤; 沾) soak; steep; ret:

  • 浸渍

    steep in water;

  • 渍麻

    ret flax, jute, etc.;

  • 白衬衫被汗水渍黄了。

    The white shirt was yellowed with sweat.


(油泥等积在上面难以除去) be stained; be soiled:

  • 烟斗里渍了很多油子。

    The pipe is caked with tar.

  • 衣服被油脂渍住了。

    The clothes are stained with grease.

  1. 这墨水渍擦不掉。

    This ink stain won 't rub out .

  2. 酸改性涤纶用阳离子染料分散翠蓝BGN染纯涤纶针织物时,极易产生色渍。

    Using disperse turquoise blue BGN for dyeing polyester knitted fabric often causes color stain .

  3. 窗子上面的印迹看上去像是水渍。

    Those marks above the window look like damp to me .

  4. 她手上的泥渍住了。

    The dirt on her hands was ground in .

  5. 这种洗涤剂能清除斑渍。

    This detergent is good for getting stains out .

  6. 试试用柠檬汁去除手指上的烟渍。

    Try using lemon juice to remove tobacco stains from your fingers .

  7. 化学物质形成了一个抗油污和水渍的保护层。

    Chemicals form a protective layer that resists both oil and water-based stains .

  8. 尼古丁渍染黄了他的下巴和手指。

    Nicotine marks stained his chin and fingers .

  9. 这种特效去污剂基本去不掉汤渍。

    This special stain remover was almost ineffective in removing the soup stain .

  10. 白衬衫被汗水渍黄了。

    The white shirt was yellowed with sweat .

  11. 烟斗里渍了很多油子。

    The pipe is caked with tar .

  12. 衣服被油脂渍住了。

    The clothes are stained with grease .

  13. 纸上有一滴墨水渍。

    There is a blot of ink on the paper .

  14. 洒出来的咖啡在桌布上留下了渍印。

    The spilt coffee has left a mark on the table cloth .

  15. 污物已渍入地毯,我清除不了。

    I can 't get the dirt out of this carpet , it 's been ground in .

  16. 谁知道鸿渐只关切地问柔嘉:“酒渍洗得掉么

    To their surprise Hung-chien merely asked Jou-chia solicitously , " Can the wine stains be washed out ?

  17. 江汉平原渍害损失研究中DEM的应用

    The DEM application to the estimation of waterlogging loss in Jianghan Plain

  18. 以SDS-PAGE酶联免疫印渍技术对蛔虫、钩虫、鞭虫及犬弓蛔虫的免疫交叉反应进行了研究。

    The immunological cross-reaction among Ascaris lumbricoides , Ascaris suum , hookworm , Trichuris trichiura and Toxocara canis was studied with SDS-PAGE immunoblotting technique .

  19. 涝渍条件下黑杨派无性系基茎韧皮部的PAL活力和有机质含量

    PAL activity and organic components in basal stem phloem of Poplar Clones under waterlogging and flooding condition

  20. OZERNALIQUID是一种高碱的,重污去渍剂,可用于棉织物和混合织物。

    OZERNA LIQUID is a highly alkaline , liquid single-purpose detergent for heavily soiled cotton textiles and blended fibres .

  21. SBS防水卷材是以聚脂纤维为胎体,以SBS橡胶改性石油沥青为漫渍涂盖层,以聚乙烯塑料薄膜为防粘隔离层的一种柔性油毡。

    Waterproof coiled materials of SBS are a flexible felt of polyester fibre as casing , SBS modified asphalt as coating and polyethylene film as antiseizing separation layer .

  22. 选用碳分子筛作吸附剂,用液相沉淀法涂渍出高效PLOT碳分子筛石英毛细管色谱柱,并对其色谱性能进行了考察。

    The High performance porous _ layer open tubular ( PLOT ) column was prepared with carbon molecular sieve adsorbent by means of liquid phase deposition method and its chromatographic behaviors were investigated .

  23. 1-MCP单独处理不产生任何明显的作用,但是会完全抑制外源乙烯诱导的水渍化败坏。

    While the application of 1 - MCP showed no significant effects by itself , it completely suppressed water-soaking induced by exogenous ethylene .

  24. 采用3mm×1m不锈钢柱,填充涂渍为15%聚乙二醇丁二酸酯。

    Gas chromatography was used . The column was a stainless steel tube ( 3mm × 1m ) packed with 15 % polyethylene glycol succinate .

  25. 涂渍FFAP、PEG-20M、XE-60硅膜改性弹性玻璃毛细管柱的研制

    Modification of Flexible Glass Capillary Column Coating with FFAP , PEG-20M and XE-60 by Silicon Film

  26. 同时一向精力充渍的卡洛斯•高森也已将日产公司(Nissan)打造成了电动汽车领域的龙头企业。

    Toyota is getting a jolt of energy from Akio Toyoda , scion of the founding family , while the ever-energetic Carlos Ghosn has made Nissan the leader in electric cars .

  27. 分析表明,涝渍水深(SFEW30)与大豆相对产量(Ry)存在着很好的线性负相关关系。

    Analysis showed that there was a close , linear and negative correlation between SFEW_ ( 30 )( index of waterlogged stress ) and relative soybean yield .

  28. 澳大利亚STELCO系列洗衣助剂:小博士前处理剂、小博春新枧油、小博士去渍剂。

    Australia STELCO Series Laundry additives : Kids pre-treatment agent , small Bo-chun new soap oil , Kids agent .

  29. 统计分析表明,持续受渍程度SEW30与作物相对产量Ry之间有极显著的线性负相关关系。

    Statistic analysis results showed that there was a very significant relationship between relative yield , R y , and SEW 30 , and 10 % ~ 15 % of yield reduction was a suitable standard for determination of crop drainage index .

  30. 表明22、24、26KD抗原蛋白为斯氏肺吸虫的特异性诊断抗原,免疫印渍技术为斯氏肺吸虫病的高度特异、敏感的一种新型诊断方法。

    All were negative . The results indicated that 22,24,26kD antigenic proteins of P. s are useful diagnostic antigens and immunoblotting will be a new specific serodiagnostic method for paragonimiasis .
