
  • 网络The Moderates;Moderate Party;Moderaterna;Moderata Samlingspartiet
  1. 温和党的这次选举结果是自1928年以来最好的一次。

    The moderate party had its best result since 1928 .

  2. 临时同盟中最大、最保守的盟友一温和党。

    The moderate party , the largest and most conservative partner in the coalition .

  3. 不过,三年前佩尔松输掉了有关加入欧元区的全民公决,并且,尽管调查显示差距很小,但多数人更偏向由温和党领袖弗雷德里克林费尔德领导的中右的反对派四党联盟。

    But three years ago Mr Persson lost a referendum on joining the euro and , though the polls show a narrowing gap , most now favour the centre-right opposition , a four-party Alliance under Fredrik reinfeldt , leader of the moderate party .

  4. 他急于进一步获取温和派托利党人的信任。

    He was anxious to cultivate the trust of moderate tories .

  5. 在走投无路的情况下,他向当时任国务大臣的十分温和的托利党人哈利求缓。

    In desperation he appealed to the very moderate Tory , Harley , who was minister of state , for assistance .

  6. 英国属人法问题研究:从坚持传统到温和改革坚持保守党传统观点的人

    On English Personal Law : from the Firm Tradition to the Mild Reform ; A high Tory , ie one holding traditional Conservative opinions