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  1. 温州城网无功规划及其技术经济效益分析

    Planning of Reactive Power and Analysis of Technical Economic in Wenzhou Urban Grid

  2. 唐宋以来,龙湾作为温州城的东部城郊,经济文化不断发展。

    Since the Tang and Song dynasties , Longwan as the eastern outskirts of the city of Wenzhou , economic and cultural continue to develop .

  3. 普拉托市城墙外的ViaPistoiese,现在已变成一座温州中国城,遍地是餐馆、夜总会(非中国人禁止入内)和堆满中国商品的超市。

    Outside Prato 's city walls , Via Pistoiese has become a Wenzhou Chinatown with restaurants , nightclubs ( which bar non-Chinese ) and supermarkets stocked with Chinese goods .

  4. 温州大学城是温州城市发展的战略选择。

    It is a strategic selection to the development of WenZhou , Zhejiang Province , to build WenZhou college city .

  5. 对温州国际性轻工城发展战略的研究

    Studying about the Developmental Strategy of Wenzhou 's International Light Industry City