
  • 网络temperature schedule
  1. 环式焙烧炉温度制度及其优化途径探讨

    Exploration and Discussion on the temperature schedule of ring baking furnaces and its optimized approach

  2. 二次焙烧温度制度对电极焙烧结焦率的影响

    The effect of the REBAKING temperature schedule of impregnated electrodes on the coking rate of pitch

  3. 利用SEM观察了两种温度制度下金红石瓷的显微结构。

    Microstructures of rutile ceramics under two thermal treatments were observed by SEM .

  4. 利用差热分析(DTA)确定了基础玻璃的核化与晶化温度制度,研究了玻璃组成与DTA曲线的关系。

    The relation of glass constituents and DTA curve was investigated ;

  5. 利用DTA曲线制定晶化温度制度。

    The nucleation and crystallization were determined by DTA curve .

  6. 退火温度制度对CSP流程冷轧深冲板性能和织构的影响

    Influences of Temperature System on Cold Rolled Deep-Drawing Sheet Produced by CSP Process

  7. 用X射线衍射、红外光谱和热膨胀仪等先进的测试方法系统地研究了合成温度制度对堇青石样品的结构状态及性能的影响。

    Influence of synthesis temperatures on structure and performances of cordierite samples was studied by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), infrared ( IR ) spectroscopy , etc.

  8. 应采用低C、N含量和高Al的化学成分,采用低温出炉、高温卷取的热轧温度制度及更优的过时效处理。

    Chemical composition of low C and N and high Al , HR temperature system for low-temperature tapping and high-temperature coiling , and a better ageing treatment should be adopted .

  9. 结合国内外转炉匹配LF炉的生产实践,针对酒钢LF炉的传统工艺缺陷,提出了合理的温度制度、吹Ar制度和造渣制度,并在酒钢LF炉上进行了优化工艺的试验。

    On the basis of combing the production practice of home and abroad , and traditional defect of Jiuquan Steel LF , The reasonable temperature , Ar-blowing and slag making system were provided in this paper .

  10. 通过改进炉子的强制通风散热结构,提高还原时的TiCl4加料速度,采用适宜的加料制度和温度制度,达到缩短还原周期和改善海绵钛结构的目的;

    By improvement of the forced ventillation structure , increasing TiCl_4 feeding speed in reduction and using appropriate feeding regime and temp . system so as to shorten the reduction cycle and improve the structure of sponge titanium ;

  11. 混捏和挤压温度制度对人造石墨性质的影响

    Influence of mixing and extruding temperatures on properties of graphite electrode

  12. 轧制温度制度对一种高强度耐候钢性能影响研究

    Effect of Rolling Temperature Patterns on Performance of High-strength Weathering Steel

  13. 组成和温度制度对硅锌矿析晶的影响

    Influence on Crystallizing of Willemite of Compositions and Temperature Scales

  14. 温度制度对高性能石英砂烧结砖的性能影响研究

    Influence of Temperature System on Behaviors of High-performance Quartz Sand Sintering Brick

  15. 高比容钽粉烧结温度制度的探讨

    An Investigation of the Temperature System in Sintering High Specific-charge Tantalum Powders

  16. 组织窑内气体合理流动是调节窑内温度制度的前提条件。

    The reasonable flow of gas is the precondition of temperature adjustment in a kiln .

  17. 论述了钼精矿氧化焙烧的更佳温度制度。

    The better temperature system for oxidizing roasting of molybdenum concentrate is discussed in this paper .

  18. 在窑底设置压力平衡装置,可保证窑内压力和温度制度的稳定。

    Pressure-balance system installed on the bottom of the kiln stabilizes the temperature condition and pressure condition .

  19. 并通过大量探索性试验确定了其最佳热处理温度制度。

    By a large number of exploratory experiments , the optimum heat treatment temperature system has been determined .

  20. 主要对PbO-SrO-BaO-Nb2O5系铁电性微晶玻璃形成的温度制度作了研究。

    Investigated is the temperature schedule at which PbO SrO BaO Nb 2O 5 ferroelectric glass ceramics forms .

  21. 最后,以Eu~(3+)取代三联取代产物中的Ba~(2+),研究了Eu~(3+)的取代量以及温度制度对产物的影响。

    Finally , Ba2 + is substituted by Eu3 + , and the effect of substitution and heat treatment is studied .

  22. 根据现场测温数据和工艺操作要求,建立了全流程温度制度。

    Temperature control system throughout entire process has been established in accordance with data measured on site and requirements for operation .

  23. 本论文还分析了温度制度对相组成和显微结构的影响,以及相组成和显微结构对性能的影响。

    The effect of temperature schedule on crystalline phase and microstructure and the effect of phase and microstructure on properties were analyzed in this this .

  24. 提出了入窑水分、入窑坯温及辊道窑的温度制度是影响坯体炸裂的主要因素。

    It pointes out the moisture content and the temperature of greens in entering kiln , and temperature rules of roller kiln being the main factors for cracking .

  25. 通过对大生产中大量实验的分析,就热轧工序温度制度对无取向电工钢电磁性能的影响情况进行了比较详细的阐述。

    Effect of the hot rolling procedure temperature on magnetic properties of non-oriented electric steel has been described in detail , with analysis of substantial experimental data concerning mass production .

  26. 结果表明,模型能够真实反映加热炉的温度制度与供热制度,并且对燃耗及生产率变化预报灵敏。

    Modeling result proves that the model not only really embodies the temperature regime and the heating regime of the furnace , but also accurately predicts the variations of energy consumed and productivity .

  27. 各种材料的清洗、蒸压时的温度制度、金属丝网的化学浸镀等都会造成产品质量问题。

    The quality of finished product may be affected by various factors such as cleaning of raw materials , temperature schedule at autoclave stage , chemical dip coating of metal wire-mesh and so on .

  28. 本文从燃烧技术、熔化部的结构、投料技术、熔窑的温度制度及蓄热室的格子砖的选择等几个方面,讨论了浮法玻璃熔窑节能的途径。

    In this paper , the energy saving methods for melting glass furnace were discussed on burning techniques , melting furnace structure , feeding techniques , temperature system and choice of checker blocks in regenerative chamber .

  29. 具体研究内容和主要结果如下:(1)利用高温熔融-退火方法,选择合适的温度制度,制备了熔化质量好、可见-红外透过率较好的硅酸盐,锗酸盐氟氧化物玻璃。

    The details were listed as following : ( 1 ) We selected suitable temperature rules , got oxyfluoride silicate , germinate glass with good melting quality , high visible-IR transmittance by melting and annealing method .

  30. 轧制过程的温度制度的确定是轧制工艺的重要内容,因此必须对轧件在轧制过程中的温度进行控制和优化,以提高最终产品的质量。

    Determining temperature system of rolling process is the important content of rolling technology , so temperature of rolled piece during rolling must be controlled and optimized in order to improve the quality of final products .