
  • 网络daily range of temperature;diurnal temperature range;DTR;diurnal variation of temperature
  1. 各气象要素呈现明显的日变化,当地温度日较差约10℃,相对湿度始终高于50%。

    Secondly , obvious diurnal variation is observed in various meteorological quantities . It is found that the diurnal temperature range is about 10 ℃ and the relative humidity is constantly above 50 % .

  2. 结果表明:夏季格罗夫地区温度日变化和盛行风向与中山站相类似,但温度日较差和强风频率比中山站大。

    However , the daily range of temperature and strong wind frequency are much higher than that of Zhongshan Station . The change of wind direction correlates with weather system that impacted Grove area .

  3. 利用任意时刻AVHRR资料近似估计区域地表温度日较差的试验

    Experiment for estimating daily range of surface temperature over a region using AVHRR data at arbitrary time

  4. 利用订正后的卫星反演地表温度日较差计算的热惯量与地面农田实测土壤绝对湿度进行回归分析,发现0~30cm土壤水分实测值与热惯量的相关显著,50cm以下不能通过显著性检验。

    Regression analysis of the thermal inertia and soil absolute moisture measured in farmland showed that the moisture in 0-30 cm soil had significant correlation with the thermal inertia , but moisture in deeper soil hadn 't.

  5. 温度日较差对热值有正影响效应,且具有较低的变异系数,雨量与雨日的正效应起修饰作用。

    The daily temperature gap accounted the main effects on the caloric value of two rice varieties and with the minimum coefficient variation .

  6. 出苗至成熟期为降水日数。影响产量的关键气象因子为始花至成熟期的温度日较差、平均相对湿度和降水量。

    The key meterological factors affect the yield are day and night temperature difference , mean relative humidity , and precipitation from early flowering to maturity .

  7. 温度日较差和降水量对广西春大豆各生育阶段生育日数的影响不显著。

    The effect of both the day and night temperature difference and the precipitation on the growing days in each growing stage of spring soybean are not significant .

  8. 鸭梨果实生长速度和品质形成与热量条件、水分条件、温度日较差等气象条件关系密切。

    The fruit growth rate and quality fo ya pear have close relations with weather conditions such as temperature , water and temperature difference between day and night etc.

  9. 结果表明:植被改善能使雨量增加,径流量减小,湿度增大,温度日较差减小,使气候变的温和。

    The results show that the improved vegetation can increase precipitation moisture , reduce runoff and diural change of air temperature , but vice versa for the degradation vegetation .

  10. 而近10多年来温度日较差除秋季外,有增大的趋势,这可能主要是由于云量的减少所致。

    Except in autumn , an increasing trend for temperature daily range is found in other seasons over the recent ten years , which was possibly caused by the decreasing of cloudy quantity .

  11. 各恢复模式都增加了地表植被覆盖度,降低土壤温度日较差,同时土壤结构和含水量等有所改善,有利于植被物理化学过程的进行。

    The recovery model increase vegetation cover and reduce the diurnal soil temperature . The soil structure and water content are improved . This is good for physical and chemical processes of vegetation .

  12. 在农林系统中,随着植物覆盖度的增加,其净辐射、光照强度、温度日较差和风速随之减小,但空气湿度增加。

    With the increase of plant coverage in agroforestry ecosystem , the net radiation , the relative intensity of illumination , temperature differentiation between day and night , and wind speed decrease , but air humidity increases .

  13. 通过利用近地面温度日较差实测资料,对气象卫星反演地表温度日较差进行了订正,使得热惯量计算值更接近实际。

    In this paper , based on the temperature range in a day measured near the earth 's surface , the inversion of temperature range in a day from meteorological satellite were rectified , as a result , thermal inertia could be calculated more closely to the fact .

  14. 为了提高土壤水分模式的计算精度,将全省分为4个区域,对利用卫星资料反演的地表温度日较差进行植被指数等环境因素订正。

    The whole Shandong Province was divided into four ecotypes to raise the calculation precision of the soil moisture model . On such a basis , the diurnal range of ground - surface temperature retrieved by satellite remote sensing data was corrected for vegetation index and other environmental factors .

  15. 近40年青藏高原东侧地区云、日照、温度及日较差的分析

    Analyses of Cloudiness , Sunshine , Temperature and Daily Range on the Eastern Side of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in Recent 40 Years

  16. 中国东部地区大城市和小城镇极端温度及日较差变化对比分析

    The Comparative Analysis of the Changes of Extreme Temperature and Extreme Diurnal Temperature Range of Large Cities and Small Towns in Eastern China

  17. 试验结果表明:气象因子对大豆异黄酮含量影响的排序为降水量、平均地面温度、日较差、相对湿度、活动积温、日照时数。

    The results showed that the sequence of meteorological factor were precipitation , ground temperature , daily range of temperature , relative humidity , accumulated temperature and sunshine hour .

  18. 距沙漠越近的区域温度越高,日较差越大,其棉花干物质积累量较多,积累速率较快。

    Higher the temperature was and greater the daily range of temperature was , with the distances decreased from desert , so the dry matter accumulation of cotton were large and accumulation velocity was fast .

  19. 利用1957~2000年的气候观测资料,研究南京的平均温度、平均最高温度、平均最低温度和平均日较差及炎热日和寒冷日的变化趋势和特点,并分析可能的原因;

    Based on the meteorological data during 19572000 , the change trends and characteristics of temperature and its possible causes in Nanjing in recent 44 years have been analyzed and studied .

  20. 根据表征土壤温度日变化的土温方程一阶近似解,提出一种利用一日中任意时刻NOAA-AVHRR图像数据估计地表温度日较差的简易推算方法。

    A simple method to estimate the daily range of surface temperature is presented by using daily arbitrary time NOAA AVHRR Graph data based on the soil temperature equation which can express the daily variation of soil temperature .