
  • 网络wenzhou-fuzhou railway
  1. 地质雷达(SIR-20)在温福铁路隧道工程检测中的应用

    Application of Ground Penetrating Radar ( SIR-20 System ) in Quality Detection of Tunnel Engineering on Wenzhou-Fuzhou Railway

  2. 温福铁路昆阳特大桥梁拱结合部应力分析

    Stress Analysis of the Beam-arch Joint Part of Kunyang Bridge on Wenzhou-Fuzhou Railway

  3. 强夯置换碎石墩在温福铁路浙江段的试桩研究

    Experimental Pile Research of Forced Compaction Macadam Pier on Wenzhou-Fuzhou Railway of Zhejiang Section

  4. 温福铁路为国内第一条以客专标准修建的沿海铁路,桥梁结构耐久性控制要求较高,影响因素复杂,防腐费用投入巨大。

    Wenzhou-Fuzhou Railway is the first domestic coastal railway with higher control requirements for durability and complicated influencing factors in accordance with the standard of passenger dedicated line , as well as high anti-corrosive investment .

  5. 通过温福铁路客运专线的施工项目成本控制,从成本管理体系到过程控制方法来阐述当前的铁路基建施工面临和各类成本管理问题。

    Through the cost control of Wenzhou-Fuzhou special passenger railway line construction project , by the system of cost manage to the way of process control , the thesis expound each cost manage problem of nowadays railway capital construction .

  6. 温福高速铁路五跨连续刚构桥施工监控

    Construction Monitoring and Control to Five-span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge of Wenzhou-Fuzhou High-speed Railway