
  • 网络embayed coast
  1. 每一种努力都是为了保护港湾海岸。

    Every effort an attempt to protect the gulf coast .

  2. 昨天,美国港湾海岸到处都在举行纪念和守夜活动。

    Ceremonies and s took place all the across the US gulf coast yesterday .

  3. 三亚港原始岸线为基岩港湾海岸,由中生代花岗岩构成。

    The primary coastline of the port was bedrock embayment and composed of Mesozoic granite .

  4. 大约40%的海产品来自港湾海岸。

    About 40 % of the country 's sea food harvest comes from the Gulf coast .

  5. 他是报道港湾海岸这次事故的记者之一。

    He 's one of our reporters covering the story from down on the Gulf Coast .

  6. 索赔工作将由港湾海岸索赔机构GCCF接管。

    It 's turned that job over to the Gulf Coast Claims Facility , or GCCF .

  7. 我们现在将关注一下美国港湾海岸的石油泄漏索赔工作。

    AZUZ : The U.S. Gulf Coast , and we 're looking at claims related to the oil spill there .

  8. 他说,绵延数百千米的港湾海岸的海洋科学家和渔民都在密切关注这次石油泄漏会造成怎样的影响。

    He says marine scientists and fishermen along hundreds of kilometers of Gulf coastline are watching to see what impact the slick will have .

  9. 商业渔船担心这次泄漏会损坏虾和牡蛎的捕捞季节,这是港湾海岸最关键的经济活动。

    Commercial fishermen have expressed concern that the spill may ruin the fishing season for shrimp and oysters , which is a key economic activity along the Gulf coast .

  10. 现在,另外一种也可以在淡水中生长的小龙虾有望延长生产季节,拯救路易斯安那港湾海岸受石油泄漏影响的海产品行业。

    The hope is that another type of crawfish-also grown in fresh water-can expand the season and help bail out Louisiana 's Gulf coast seafood industry , crippled by the oil .

  11. 几名抗议者被驱逐,来自美国港湾海岸的渔民被拒绝进入会议现场。他们原本计划投诉漏油事件的持续影响。

    Several protesters were ejected , and fishermen from the US Gulf Coast were refused entry to the meeting , where they 'd planned to complain about the continued effects of the pollution .

  12. 然后是东南部,这个地区将在港湾海岸附近遭遇降雨天气,尤其是路易斯安那,佐治亚的部分地区,佛罗里达。对于随后将踏上旅程的人来说,将会面对湿冷多风的天气。

    And then down in the southeast , watch out for rain along the Gulf Coast , specifically , into Louisianan , parts of Georgia , Florida , all looking at a wet and windy conditions for those of you that are hitting the roads a little bit earlier .

  13. 综述了土工合成材料的概念、种类、特性、主要功能及其在水利水电、铁路、公路、港湾与海岸工程等诸领域的应用。

    Facing the large differential settlement observed at the bridge head on high class road , this paper presents the mechanism and construction methods of geosynthetic material .

  14. 港湾淤泥质海岸的岸线变化数值模拟和平衡岸弧分析

    Shoreline change numerical simulation and equi - librium SHORE-ARC analysis of embayed muddy coast

  15. 浙江中南部港湾淤泥质海岸资源优势及其主导开发功能

    Dominant Resources and Leading Exploitative Function of the Silty Harbour Coast in the Middle and Southern Zhejiang Province

  16. 港湾振荡是海岸工程中一个非常重要的研究方向,许多港口都观测到港湾振荡现象的存在。

    The study of harbor resonance is a very important subject of coastal hydrodynamics , and larger oscillations were observed in many harbors .

  17. 本文对岸线变化模拟和岸弧分析的现有方法,作了沿岸输沙方程和海岸剖面厚度等特征要素取值方面的修正,使其适用于港湾淤泥质海岸的岸线形态与动态研究;

    Improvement of existing methods for simulating shoreline changes and analyzing shore-arcs are made by replacing some parameters in the littoral sand transport equations in order to use them for studying the shoreline forms and dynamics of embayed coasts .