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yóu mín
  • vagrant;vagabond
游民 [yóu mín]
  • [vagrant;vagabond] 流离失所的人

游民[yóu mín]
  1. 姚莹治台的游民政策述论

    A Discourse of Yao Ying 's Vagrant Policy Governing Taiwan

  2. 近代中国城市游民阶层的形成及其特征

    On the Formation and Characteristics of Urban Vagrant Stratum in Modern China

  3. 那些开偷来的车狂飙和驾车抢劫的年轻人都是无业游民。

    The kids who are joyriding and ram-raiding are unemployed .

  4. Salt说,在3月和4月份的时候,大部分的游民们会向南边或东边迁移,到达那里的海滩或小岛来躲避由附近庄稼的燃烧导致的重度空气污染。

    During March and April , most nomads head farther south or east to the beaches or islands to avoid the heavy air pollution caused by nearby crop burning , Salt added .

  5. 作为欧洲花销最低的首都之一,布达佩斯之所以吸引着数字游民,是因为在那里,咖啡馆提供免费的wi-fi,有着高效的公共交通系统以及著名的地下酒吧。

    One of Europe 's cheapest capitals , Budapest attracts nomads with free wi-fi in cafes , efficient public transportation and famous underground bars .

  6. 第七区Erzsébetváros同样也很受游民欢迎,在那儿有着众多的旅馆和合伙办公地,其中包括更开放的ImpactHubBudapest。

    The VII district , Erzs é betv á ros , is also popular with nomads thanks to its abundance of hostels and co-working spaces , including the recently opened Impact Hub Budapest .

  7. 自由城,大量前来寻求救助的NCR游民和当地的统治帮派“猫王帮”关系紧张,并且局势还在恶化中。

    Tensions are brewing in Freeside between the ruling gang known as the Kings and the large number of NCR squatters seeking refuge there .

  8. 同修为游民朋友供应食物并分发礼物。

    Fellow initiates serve food and distribute gifts to the homeless .

  9. 公寓成员中更是有两位无业游民子乔和美嘉。

    And among the residents are the jobless Ziqiao and Meijia .

  10. 晚清时期无业游民成为一个严重的社会问题。

    Tramps became a serious social problem in later Qing times .

  11. 而且我不是游民,你们这些青蛙警察!

    And I am not a bum , you police frog !

  12. 睡在门口、桥下——一个游民。

    sleeping in doorways , under bridges - a hobo .

  13. 同修为游民朋友准备圣诞礼物包。

    Florida fellow initiates pack Christmas gift bags for their needy friends .

  14. 因此,消解行政文化中的游民意识绝非朝夕之功。

    To digest the administrative culture consciousness takes not only one day .

  15. 我说,我喜欢这些维也纳游民的变化。

    I gotta say , I like this Viennese variation of bum .

  16. 比如和40岁的无业游民分享一根香烟,

    like sharing a cigarette with a 40-year-old unemployed mall rat

  17. 一个游民整天就坐着。

    A bum sits on his lazy bum all day .

  18. 《南行记》游民文化研究

    Research on the Culture of Vagrant in Heading South

  19. 他的确是个无国籍的游民。

    He was indeed a nomad of no nationality .

  20. 我去看看这些游民。

    I 've got to see to those vagrants .

  21. 农民·市民·流氓无产者&骆驼祥子的游民文化视角解读

    Peasant , Citizen Lumpen-proletariat Interpretation of Xiangzi from the Perspective of Vagrant Culture

  22. 大学生失业群体的游民化及其社会干预

    A Social Intervention to Vagrant Unemployed Graduate College Students

  23. 游民意识的最大特点是其反社会性。

    The biggest characteristic of vagrant consciousness is antisocial .

  24. 我们为什么要负担游民的车费?

    Why should we * Play taxi for bums ?

  25. 警察驱逐游民离开城市。

    The police hustled the tramps out of town .

  26. 嗯,街上游民都不诚实。

    Well , people on the streets are dishonest .

  27. 居民们抱怨游民在海滩上乱扔杂物以及扰乱治安。

    Residents complained that tramps were littering the beaches and disturbing the peace .

  28. 警察一点也不同情那些既悲哀又无助的游民。

    The police do not pity those poor , pathetic and helpless homeless .

  29. 不难理解为什么他们会把你错当成游民。

    It 's not hard to see why they mistook you for a vagrant .

  30. 我要学会怎样去对付那些无业游民,你觉得呢?

    I should know how to handle these bums , don 't you think ?