
  • 网络Hubei Museum;the Hubei Provincial Museum
  1. 古印中一枝奇葩&湖北省博物馆馆藏汉印

    Han Seals at Collection of Hubei Provincial Museum

  2. 曾侯乙青铜编钟,战国,曾侯乙墓出土,湖北省博物馆藏。

    Bronzt Bell Chime of Zenghouyi , Warring States Period , unearthed at the Zenghouyi Tomb , in the Hubei Provincial Museum .

  3. 为了具体了解湖北省博物馆游客感知的情况,论文对调查数据进行了方差分析,分析了不同特征的游客对各感知因素的评价差异。

    In order to specific knowledge about the tourists perception in hubei province museum . The paper did variance analysis on the survey data .

  4. 本文分为四个部分,以湖北省博物馆的文化资源为主线,来探讨如何开发和利用地方博物馆美术教育资源。

    This paper consists of four chapters , which takes the cultural resources in Hubei Province Museum as the main line , to discuss how to develop and utilize the art education resources in regional museums .

  5. 她住在北方的湖区.湖北省荆州地区博物馆

    She lives up in the Lake District . Museum of Jingzhou Prefecture , Hubei

  6. 湖北省荆州地区博物馆

    Museum of Jingzhou Prefecture , Hubei

  7. 湖北省既有居住建筑现状调查及节能改造策略研究&以孝感地区为例湖北省荆州地区博物馆

    Investigation on the Current Situation of Existing Housing Architecture in Hubei Province and the Energy-saving Transformation Strategies