
  • 网络Konan
  1. 图文信息可视化系统(MFIVS)在山区综合区划中的应用&以湖南怀化市为例

    Applied Study on map and file information visibility system ( mfivs ) in the comprehensive regionalization of mountain area & taking Huaihua City of Hunan Province as an example

  2. 湖南长沙市的城市地质环境调查

    Research on the urban geological environment of Changsha city , Hunan Province

  3. 湖南省地市间工业结构的调控及优化

    The adjustment and optimization of the regional industrial structure in Hunan Province

  4. 城市间土地分等方法研究&以湖南省地级市为例

    Grading urban land among different cities & a case study of Hunan Province

  5. 湖南永州市第二届”巴克兰杯“中学生英语口语大赛花絮(2009.07。)

    The2nd Buckland Cup Yongzhou High School English Speech Contest finals ( 2009.07 . )

  6. 湖南四市高校体育场馆资源利用效益调查与开发对策

    Investigation and Strategies on Utilization Efficiency of College Stadiums in Four Cities at Hunan Province

  7. 对湖南郴州市的调研,可能对创建活动的深入开展有所启示。

    How to carry on this activity ? The investigation on Chenzhou may create some inspirations .

  8. 政府和农民在新农村建设早期的互动问题研究&以湖南长沙市为例的实证分析

    The Study on Interaction between Government and Peasants in Early Phase of the New Rural Construction

  9. 湖南永州市某涉外宾馆蜚蠊杀灭效果分析

    Analysis on the effect of cockroaches ' killing in some international hotels in Yongzhou , Hunan

  10. 湖南永州市食用淡水鱼感染华枝睾吸虫囊蚴调查

    Survey of infectious status of fresh water fish with Opisthorchis sinensis in Yongzhou City , Hunan Province

  11. 城市居民对周边旅游地的需求特征研究&以湖南湘潭市居民对黑麋峰森林公园的需求调查为例

    Characteristics of urban consumer needs to surrounding tourist areas & a case study of Xiangtan , Hunan

  12. 湖南吉首市野生观赏植物区系地理成分与引种栽培

    The Floristic Geographical Elements and Introduced Cultivation of Wild Ornamental Plants in Jishou Region , Hunan Province

  13. 不同地形条件下的土地利用格局与变化分析&以湖南醴陵市为例

    Analysis of Land Use Pattern and Changes under Different Terrain Conditions & A Case Study of Liling

  14. 旅游对移民区社会文化影响的实证研究&以湖南资兴市东江湖景区为例

    A case study on Dongjiang Lake resort : the influence of tourism on socio-culture in migration community

  15. 雷锋的故乡湖南长沙市的活动口号则是这是我应该做的。

    In Changsha , Hunan , the hometown of Lei Feng , the slogan is doing my duty .

  16. 中南丘陵区耕地与基本农田保护研究&以湖南醴陵市为例

    Studies on the Protection of the Cultivated Land and Basic Farmland in Hilly Areas of Central and Southern China

  17. 社会制度与青年农民工的就业质量&基于湖南长沙市的实证调查

    Social System and the Quality of Employment for Young Migrant Workers & an Empirical Investigation Based on Changsha City

  18. 历史性地域旅游资源的深度开发&湖南岳阳市范城规划设计介绍

    Deep Development of Tourist Resources in the Historical Areas-An Introduction of the Planning and Designing for Fancheng in Yueyang of Hunan

  19. 湖南常德市是一个地理位置重要,历史文化悠久的城市,是湘楚文化的重要发祥地。

    The City of Changde in Hunan Province is located in a very important place geographically , with a historical culture .

  20. 旅游目的地游客满意度研究&以湖南怀化市通道侗族自治县为例

    A study on the tourist satisfaction degree of tourism destination & a case study of Tongdao County in Huaihua City in Hunan Province

  21. 西部民族地区中小城市社区体育环境改造刍议&以湖南吉首市社区体育环境发展为个案

    Improvement of Community Sports Environment of Minority Small and Medium-Sized Cities in Western China & Case Study of Community Sports Environment Development in Jishou

  22. 林权改革对林业技术需求和产业发展的影响&以湖南沅江市为例

    The affection of innovation of forestry property rights on demanding of forestry technology and industry development & took Yuanjiang City , Hunan as an example

  23. 以湖南株洲市城市绿地系统为研究对象,运用景观生态学的原理和方法,对株洲城市绿地系统进行综合评价,提出株洲市城市绿化建设建议。

    This paper starts with greenland system and uses some fundamental methods of landscape ecology to analyze the landscape of greenland in zhuzhou , and finally some suggestions are put forward .

  24. 福建三明市、湖南怀化市、贵州锦屏县分别代表了林业股份合作制在南方集体林区的典型模式。

    Several representative patterns of forestry share - cooperation system appeared in Sanming city of Fujian province , Huaihua city of Hunan province , and Jinping county of Guizhou province respectively .

  25. 论文最后对国外土地信托保护的实践进行了案例研究,总结了其成功的经验。然后以湖南浏阳市为例,对湖南浏阳开展农村土地信托保护的雏形进行了分析。

    The paper finally researches the foreign land trust protection cases , and concludes its successful experience , then we uses Liuyang city as a example to analyze the land trust protection .

  26. 湖南怀化市作为全国山区综合开发示范县之一,实施龙头带动战略和市场牵动战略,取得显著成绩。

    The key mainstay and market orientation strategies is being adopted in Huaihua County of Hunan Province , one of national demonstration counties of mountain integrated development , the strategies have been successful .

  27. 以湖南资兴市的调查资料为依据,论述了林权、森林限额采伐、林业税费、生态效益补偿等几个基本的法律制度与集体林权改革的关系及本身内容存在的不足。

    This paper probes into the legal basis and policy of ecological benefit compensation for public welfare forest from the aspect of CCP policies , Forest Law , Civil Law and Administration Law .

  28. 自2001年湖南长沙市岳麓区望月湖社区推出全国第一家道德银行以来,道德储存现象就得到了社会广泛关注,褒贬不一。

    Since 2001 when the Moon Lake Community in the city of Changsha opened the first moral bank moral storage as a social phenomenon become a hot topic in China on which different people hold different opinions .

  29. 最后,本文以湖南怀化市的相关数据为例,对该市农村义务教育公用经费转移支付进行了具体的模拟计算和结果分析。

    At the end of the paper , with regard to the transferred payment of the public fund in the compulsory education , an imitating calculation and a result-analysis are made basing on the relative data in Huaihua city .

  30. 以湖南衡阳市衡南桥施工为实例,说明钢管混凝土拱桥现场施工过程中主要阶段的施工要点及控制方法。

    Taking the construction of HengNan Bridge of Hengyang City in Hunan Province as an example , the paper states the main construction point and control method in the course of the site construction of steel pipe concrete arch bridge .