
hú ní
  • lake mud
湖泥[hú ní]
  1. 湖泥充填技术在采煤塌陷区复垦中的应用

    Application of lake mud stowing technology in the reclamation of subsided areas caused by coal mining

  2. 分析了采煤塌陷地几种常用复垦技术,介绍了湖泥充填技术的特点,阐述了湖泥充填复垦技术的可行性、环保性和经济性。

    First introducing some land reclamation methods in common use in coal mining caused subsided land , this article introduces the characters of lake mud stowing technology .

  3. 在江36井和来54井附近分别发育了滨浅湖泥滩微相。

    Near Jiang 36 well and Lai 54 well shore-shallow lacustrine muddy beaches microfacies developed .

  4. 通过试验研究,得出如下主要结论:1、菹草在湖泥底质下生长状态最好。

    Through the study , main results were concluded as follows : 1 . Potamogeton crispus appeared the best growth state in lake sediment .

  5. 结果表明:①湖泥、湖滨土壤及盐化荒地土壤中存在一定数量的中、低温耐盐放线菌。

    The results indicated that there are salt-resistant , mesophilic and cryogenic actinomycetes in swamp and lakeside soil of the Qinghai Lake and in salinized wasteland soil nearby the Qinghai Lake .

  6. 文留油田文65块发育水下分流河道、水下分流河道侧翼、水下天然堤、水下分流间湾、滨浅湖泥5种微相。

    Five microfacies of subsea distributary channel , its flank , subsea natural barrier , subsea interdistributary bay and coastal or neritic shale are developed in Block Wen 65 of Wenliu Oilfield .

  7. 在火山-断陷成盆期,深湖相泥质岩与火山岩呈现垂向或侧向的接触关系,是火山岩油气藏形成的主要因素。水平井在火山岩底水油藏开发中的应用

    The vertical or lateral contacts between the deep lacustrine argillaceous rocks and volcanic rocks are the key factors of the formation of volcanic reservoirs during the volcanic-fault depression period & basin forming . An Application of Horizontal Well in Development of Volcanic Reservoirs with Bottom Water

  8. 7种不同母质发育的稻田耕层土壤固定态铵含量的大小顺序为:湖潮泥>黄泥田>河沙泥>紫泥田>灰泥田>红黄泥>麻沙泥。

    In terms of content of fixed ammonium , the seven types of paddy soils were in the order of newly laky clayey soil > yellow clayey soil > alluvial sandy soil > purple clayey soil > grey clayey soil > reddish yellow clayey soil > granitic sandy soil ;

  9. 复合扇处于湖相生烃泥质岩的包围之中,具有非常有利的生、储、盖组合,且物性较好,常形成地层圈闭或构造地层复合圈闭油气藏。

    The composite fan surrounded by hydrocarbon - producing lacustrine mudstones is a favorable assembly for hydrocarbon origin , reserving and capping , with quite good physical properties , where stratigraphic traps or structure-stratigraphic composite trap hydrocarbon reservoirs are commonly formed .

  10. 焉耆盆地侏罗纪煤系源岩显微组分组合与生油潜力由于其明显不同于海相和湖相腐泥型生油岩,在常规生油岩有机地球化学评价中易低估其生油潜力。

    Maceral Composition and Oil Potential of the Jurassic Coal-Bearing Series in the Yanqi Basin Its oil potentials are often underestimated in the light of conventional organic geochemical evaluation because its characteristics are different from that of marine and lacustrine sapropelic oil source rocks .

  11. 在洞庭湖漫滩阶地的冲湖积淤泥质软土上,分布着一些次级牛轭湖和季节性洪道成因的极软淤积物。

    There are some softer accumulation horizon in the ox-bow lake and season river on the huge mucky soil of alluvial and lacustrine deposits in accumulation terrace around Dongting lake .

  12. 侏罗系圈闭以侏罗系下段滨浅湖砂体为储层,中上段滨浅湖沼泽相泥质岩为盖层。

    Reserviors of the Jurassic traps consist of the Lower Jurassic sandstones of coastal shallow lake facies , and the cap rocks are the Middle and Upper Jurassic mudstone of marsh facies .

  13. 湖床表面覆盖着一层龟裂的干泥,这是由于每年有一段时间雨水从周围的山上流下来,在湖汇聚成浅浅的一层,湖水蒸发之后,就剩下了龟裂的湖泥。

    The Racetrack is primarily covered with hexagonal saucers of dry mud , left after a very short season when the lake bed is covered with a shallow layer of water after rains wash down from the surrounding mountains and into the playa .

  14. 西北部边界地区发育了长带状滨浅湖砂坝,其他地区发育大量的滨浅湖混合滩和零星点缀其中的滨浅湖砂坝及泥滩。

    It develops long-zonary shore-shallow lacustrine sand bar with abundant shore-shallow lacustrine mixing beach sediment in most other area where it distributes sporadically shore-shallow lacustrine sand bar and muddy beach .