
xiānɡ cài
  • Hunan cuisine, Hunanese food
  1. 我喜欢吃湘菜。

    I love Hunan food .

  2. 2004年荣获湖南烹饪协会湘菜名师称号;

    Hunan cooking in2004 won the title of teacher Restaurant Association ;

  3. 为弘扬中国饮食文化、打造新派湘菜品牌。

    Catering to carry forward the Chinese culture , creating New School Restaurant brand .

  4. 不过,湘菜是否是中国最辣的,这还值得商榷。

    Still , it 's debatable whether Hunanese food is really the spiciest in China .

  5. 小伟:湘菜挺辣的,广东菜一般是甜甜的。

    Xiao Wei : Hunan cuisine is hot , and Cantonese food is usually sweet .

  6. 促进衡阳这支湘菜生力军日益壮大,步伐愈来愈稳,愈走愈远。

    Hunan Hengyang force for this growing , more stable pace , moving further and further away .

  7. 提到湘菜馆的湘菜鱼头王,不少吃过的人都会流出口水来。

    Restaurant mentioned the Museum Restaurant head Wang , many people will be eaten outflow to drool .

  8. 南方烹饪风格的代表是川菜和湘菜,他们以大量地使用辣椒而闻名。

    Representative of Southern cooking styles are Szechwan and Hunan cuisine , famous for their liberal use of chili peppers .

  9. 南方风味的烹饪方法中具有代表性的则是川菜和湘菜,它们的出名之处在于大量使用了红辣椒;

    Representative Southern cooking styles include : Sichuan and Hunan cuisine which are famous for their liberal use of chili peppers ;

  10. 其中可收获大型的产业项目有中华特种烹饪种养殖加工基地,湘菜烹饪原料配送中心。

    Which may harvest a large industrial projects of the Chinese culinary culture special processing base , Hunan cooking materials distribution center .

  11. 菜单上的其他美食都是最热门的中国菜,既有辛辣的川菜和湘菜,也有经典粤菜和台湾特色小吃。

    The rest of the menu is greatest-hits Chinese , corralling flamethrowers from Sichuan and Hunan with old-school Cantonese and Taiwanese specialties .

  12. 酒店餐厅可提供粤菜、湘菜以及本地特色菜肴,可满足各类中高档商务宴请、会议接待。

    The hotel 's restaurant offers Cantonese food , Hunan food and local characteristics of dishes to meet all kinds of high-grade business dinner , conference reception .

  13. 泰和盛世中餐厅:经营传统湘菜、特色土家菜、鲍参翅肚等经典粤菜,大厅面积680平方米;

    Taihe Prime Chinese Restaurant : Hunan traditional business , features Tujia dishes , abalone and other classic Cantonese belly fin , the hall area of680 square meters ;

  14. 那要看情况了。你知道中国主要有八大菜系,比方说川菜和湘菜。

    Well , it all depends . You see , there are mainly eight famous Chinese cuisines : for instance , the Sichuan cuisine and the Hunan cuisine .

  15. 除了上海风味外,该菜单还将提供全国其他主要菜系的菜品,如川菜、粤菜、鲁菜、湘菜等。

    In addition to Shanghai flavours , the menu will also offer other major regional cuisines across the country , such as Sichuan , Shandong , Cantonese and Hunan .

  16. 湘菜国际传播贡献奖获得者、英国作家扶霞在接受媒体采访。

    English writer Fuchsia Dunlop , winner of the Award for Outstanding Contribution to the International Dissemination of Xiang ( Hunan ) Cuisine is receiving interview from the media .

  17. 湘菜、衡山我市二大优势资源的整合,一定会招揽天下“油领”贾商、食客云集寿岳祭拜饮食文化先祖。

    Hunan , Hengshan city two major advantage of the integration of resources will certainly attract the world " from the oil ," jia , diners gathered jugaku ancestor worship food culture .

  18. 湘菜强调油重、色浓,而且所采用的手艺使菜肴具有脆、软、嫩的特点并有可口的香味和辣味。

    Hunan cuisine lays a stress on the use of oil , dense color , and techniques that produce crispness , softness and tenderness as well as the savory flavors and spices .

  19. 与川菜一样,湘菜也是以“辣”来收服大家的心,例如这道“剁椒鱼头”——鲜嫩的鱼肉佐上红红的辣椒,仅从外观就令人食欲大开。

    Those craving Hunan food , or Xiang cuisine as it 's known , the " Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers " is quite popular for its fresh and spicy flavors .

  20. 一般而言,超市出售的食用油是安全的;小餐馆,特别是那些出售含油量本身就很高的湘菜和川菜的餐馆,更应该引起人们的警惕。

    The oil from the supermarket is generally safe , he said , but small restaurants , especially those that cook Sichuanese and Hunanese dishes traditionally high in oil , may be cause for concern .

  21. 从长沙餐饮业的现状着手,以湘菜及长沙名特小吃为例,对长沙饮食文化的形成、特点与分类进行了详细论述。

    This article elaborates present situation of Changsha food and beverage industry , taking Hunan cuisine and Changsha famous specialty snack as the example , expounding the formation , the characteristic and the classification of Changsha diet culture in detail .

  22. 南方风味的烹饪方法中具有代表性的则是川菜和湘菜,它们的出名之处在于大量使用了红辣椒;而江苏和浙江风味的烹饪方法则注重鲜嫩;广式菜一般比较甜而且种类繁多。

    Representative Southern cooking styles include : Sichuan and Hunan cuisine which are famous for their liberal use of chili peppers ; the Jiangsu and Zhejiang styles which emphasize freshness and tenderness ; and Cantonese foods which tend to be somewhat sweet and full of variety .