
yān mò
  • annihilate;annihilation;oblivion;be neglected;submerge;be forgotten;fall into oblivion
湮没 [yān mò]
  • (1) [fall into oblivion;be neglected]∶埋没

  • 死而湮没。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

  • 湮没于荒烟。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略.序》

  • 湮没无闻

  • (2) [annihilate]∶清除,化为乌有

  • 基本粒子和它的反粒子相遇时湮没

湮没[yān mò]
  1. Ni基合金中微观缺陷和3d电子行为的正电子湮没谱研究

    The Behavior of Microdefects and 3d Electron in Ni-Based Alloys Studied by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy

  2. GaP高能重离子辐照损伤及退火的正电子湮没研究

    Study of radiation damage and annealing effects in high energy heavy ion irradiated GaP by positron annihilation

  3. 关于他的那些最基本信息离奇地湮没无踪了。

    The most basic facts about him are lost in a fog of mythology

  4. 维多利亚时期最显赫的诗人差不多已全部湮没无声了。

    The most prominent poets of the Victorian period had all but faded from the scene .

  5. 太阳系与一个大小相同的反太阳系相互结合而湮没。

    The solar system and an antisolar system of comparable size were to combine and annihilate .

  6. Cu基合金冷热循环的正电子湮没研究

    A Study of a Thermally Cycled Cu-based Alloy by Positron Annihilation

  7. N湮没势对反质子-核非弹性散射和弹性散射进行研究是少有的研究方法。

    It is rare that we study antiproton-nuclear inelastic scattering and elastic scattering by using phenomenological annihilation potentials .

  8. q-光子湮没算符K次方本征态及其量子统计性质

    Eigenstates of K-th Power of q-Deformed Boson Annihilation Operator and Their Quantum Statistical Properties

  9. 用Ge(Li)探测器测量正电子3γ湮没

    Measurement of 3 γ annihilation of positron using GE ( li ) detector

  10. 85MeV~(19)F离子辐照GaP的正电子湮没研究

    A positron annihilation study of radiation effect in GaP irradiated by 85MeV ~ ( 19 ) F ion

  11. 用正电子湮没研究β-BaB2O4晶体缺陷

    Study on Defects of β - BaB_2O_4 Single Crystal by Positron Annihilation Technique

  12. GaAs晶体生长缺陷的正电子湮没研究

    A study of defects in GaAs by positron annihilation

  13. 高注量快中子辐照在α-Al2O3中产生空洞的正电子湮没研究

    Positron annihilation study of voids in α - Al_2O_3 irradiated by high fluence fast neutrons

  14. 用正电子湮没研究CaO掺杂的CeO2氧离子导体

    Use of the Technology of Positron Neglect to Study CaO Doped CeO_2 Oxygen Ion Conductor

  15. Y-Ba-Cu-O超导体中Cu位元素替代效应的正电子湮没研究

    Effect of the element substitutions in Cu position on positron annihilation spectra

  16. 因此,多孔催化剂是研究Ps形成和湮没机制较为合适的介质。

    Therefore , porous catalysts are very suitable for the study of Ps formation and annihilation mechanism .

  17. Ca替代YB2zCu4O8超导材料的正电子湮没谱研究

    Study of ca-substitution on yba_2cu_4o_8 superconductors by positron lifetime spectrum

  18. 多模SCS光场中广义电场的不等幂次高次和压缩光子湮没算符高次幂本征态的压缩性质

    Squeezing properties of eigenstates of high order power of photon annihilation operator

  19. γ辐照InP的正电子湮没研究

    Defect properties in γ irradiated InP studied by positron annihilation

  20. 用正电子湮没方法鉴别InP半导体中的缺陷

    Discrimination of Defects in InP Semiconductors by Positron Annihilation

  21. 应用正电子湮没寿命谱(PAT)研究了纳米TiO2的界面结构。

    The interfacial structures of nanocrystalline TiO 2 powder were studied by positron-annihilation technique ( PAT ) .

  22. 正电子湮没实验表明,正电子各寿命参数表现出很强的Gd替代依赖关系。

    The positron annihilation results show that positron lifetimes depend on the Gd content strongly .

  23. MgAl2O3透明陶瓷正电子湮没寿命谱的研究

    The Research of MgAl_2O_3 Transparent Ceramics By Positron Lifetime Spectra Technique

  24. 用正电子湮没技术研究Zr对Ni3Al缺陷态的影响

    Pat study of effect of Zr on defects in ni_3al alloy

  25. 用自由正电子固体表面态湮没技术研究2%PdO/Al2O3

    A study on the 2 % pdo / al_2o_3 by means of free positron annihilation technique in the solid surface layer

  26. Tb2AlFe(16-x)Mnx化合物的结构、磁性及正电子湮没谱研究

    The structure , magnetic properties , and positron annihilation spectra of Tb_2AlFe_ ( 16-x ) Mn_x compounds

  27. 电子自旋共振年代计时(IV)&电子自旋共振结合正电子湮没谱表征牙化石内顺磁中心的特性

    ESR dating ( iv ) & characterization of paramagnetic centers in fossil tooth studied by using ESR cooperated with positron annihilation spectroscopy

  28. 根据正电子湮没寿命实验的结果和总能量极小原理,确定了V和N在V-N-空位复合体中的最佳占据位置。

    Optimum location of nitrogen and vanadium in the V-N-vacancy complex is determined , according to the result of the positron annihilation lifetime experiment and minimizing the total energy .

  29. 利用BaF2晶体快速闪烁发光性质改进正电子湮没寿命谱仪

    Improvement on positron annihilation lifetime spectrometer with fast decay component in baf_2 luminescence

  30. 用正电子湮没研究NiAl中的晶体缺陷

    Study of the lattice defects in NiAl by positron annihilation