
  • wet;humid;damp
湿 [shī]
  • 沾了水或是含的水分多,与“干”相对:~度。潮~。~润。~热。~漉漉。

  • 中医学名词:~气。~邪。~泻。


(沾了水的或显出含水分多的) wet; damp; humid:

  • 湿空气

    humid [moist] air;

  • 湿衣服

    wet clothes;

  • 穿湿衣服, 你会着凉的。

    If you put on damp clothes, you will probably catch cold.

  • 你淋湿了吗?

    Did you get wet in the rain?

  • 他被雨淋湿了。

    He got soaked in the rain.

  • 他浑身湿得像只落汤鸡。

    He was wet all over like a drowned rat.

  • 我全身湿透了。

    I got wet all over.

  • 小心点, 别湿了衣裳。

    Be careful! Don't get your clothes wet.

  • 这里太湿了。

    There is too much damp here


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 湿卫

    Shi Wei

  1. 他们的湿衣服都夹在外面的绳子上了。

    All their wet clothes were pegged out on the line .

  2. 她的脚在湿地板上一滑,重重地摔了一跤。

    Her foot skidded on the wet floor and she fell heavily .

  3. 他脱下湿衣服,拧干了水。

    He took off his wet clothes and squeezed the water out .

  4. 水泥应当具有湿沙的坚实度。

    The cement should have the consistency of wet sand .

  5. 通往海滨的小路雨天非常湿滑危险。

    The path down to the beach is very precarious in wet weather .

  6. 湿衣服贴在她身上。

    Her wet clothes were sticking to her body .

  7. 墙又黑又冷,上面满是黏湿的污迹。

    The walls were black , cold and slimy .

  8. 我们又冷又湿,难受极了。

    We were cold , wet and thoroughly miserable .

  9. 教室漏雨的一角是湿的。

    The corner of the classroom was damp where the roof had leaked .

  10. 汽车在湿路上打滑了。

    The car had skidded on the wet road .

  11. 湿衬衫紧贴在他的胸部。

    The wet shirt clung to his chest .

  12. 记住带尿布和婴儿的湿纸巾。

    Remember to take nappies and baby wipes .

  13. 没有比在大冷天头发湿着外出更糟糕的了。

    There 's nothing worse than going out in the cold with wet hair .

  14. 他用湿毛巾轻打我。

    He flicked me with a wet towel .

  15. 他用湿毛巾轻打我。

    He flicked a wet towel at me .

  16. 今天可不是又冷又湿吗?

    Isn 't it a filthy day ?

  17. 她的头发仍然湿淋淋的。

    Her hair was still dripping wet .

  18. 他们宣布订婚时大伙眼睛全湿啦。

    There wasn 't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement .

  19. 这小屋又冷又湿。

    The cottage was cold and damp .

  20. 他的衣服还是湿淋淋的。

    His clothes were still dripping wet .

  21. 她用湿毛巾擦了擦他那滚烫的脸。

    She sponged his hot face .

  22. 我们回到家时,浑身湿淋淋的。

    We arrived home soaking wet .

  23. 较好的驾驶设备能够提升在湿滑路面上的抓地力。

    Better driving equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions .

  24. 守护之神毗湿奴化身为下界的一位国王。

    The god Vishnu was incarnated on earth as a king .

  25. 这些房间有湿黏土散发出来的清新泥土气息。

    The rooms had the clean earthy smell of wet clay .

  26. 用干净的湿绒布擦去多余的化妆品。

    Wipe off any excess make-up with a clean , moist cotton flannel

  27. 我能看到每只胳膊下都湿了一大圈。

    I could see big circles of dampness under each arm

  28. 裂缝、凸起、剥落的勾缝和湿斑都意味着存在问题。

    Cracks , bulges , crumbling pointing and damp patches mean trouble .

  29. 除非尿布脏了或非常湿,否则别换。

    Avoid changing a nappy unless it 's dirty or very wet .

  30. 他脱掉湿衣服走进浴室。

    He stripped off his wet clothes and stepped into the shower .