
xiù huà qīng
  • hydrogen bromide;bromine hydride
  1. 将采用季铵盐相转移催化剂生产溴化氢时产生的废液中的氢溴酸分离出来,在制取湿法磷酸的基础上合成出磷酸氢钙。

    Calcium hydrogen phosphate is synthesized by using hydrobromic acid separation from waste liquid generated in the production of bromine hydride via quaternary ammonium salt phase trans-catalyst , based on preparing phosphoric acid by wet process .

  2. 溴化氢合成工艺的研究及相关下游产品的开发

    Study on synthetic technology of hydrogen bromide and develop on related products

  3. 溴化氢的冰乙酸溶液脱除苯磺酰基的研究

    Investigation of Cleavage of Benzenesulfonyl by Hydrogen Bromide in Acetic Acid

  4. 离子色谱法测定空气中乙酸和溴化氢

    Determination of Acetic Acid and Hydrobromic Acid in Air Sample by Ion-Chromatography

  5. α-烯烃与溴化氢反应及端溴化物制备

    The Reaction of Hydrogen Bromide and 1-Alkenes and Preparation of Primary Bromoalkanes

  6. 溴化氢-冰乙酸制备方法的改进

    An improved method for preparation of hydrogen bromide-glacial acetic acid

  7. 溴化氢的水溶液,一种强液体酸。

    An aqueous solution of hydrogen bromide that is a strong liquid acid .

  8. 废旧电路板热解过程中溴化氢的生成及脱除

    Forming and Scavenging of Hydrogen Bromide During Pyrolysis of Waste Printed Circuit Boards

  9. 溴化氢加成的最后一步,是负离子亲核试剂的附加。

    The addition of hydrogen bromide involves the attachment of an anionic nucleophile in the final step .

  10. 通过苯乙烯与溴化氢气体发生反马氏规则自由基加成反应,合成了β-溴乙苯(β-BEB)。

    β - bromoethyl benzene (β - BEB ) was synthesized by anti-Markovnikov addition of hydrogen bromide to styrene .

  11. 丙烯与溴化氢在催化剂作用下,进行自由基加成反应生产1-溴丙烷。

    1-Bromopropane is produced from hydrogen bromide and propene in the presence of catalyst by free radical addition process .

  12. 一种快速、准确、简便实用的环氧当量测定方法&溴化氢-冰乙酸非水滴定法

    A quick , precise and simple method to determine epoxy equivalent weight & Non-water titration with hydro-bromide / Glacial acetic acid

  13. 如果我想研究,这是个简单的例子,溴化氢。

    HBr So for example , if I want to look at HBr there 's a simple case , right , hydrogen bromine .

  14. 巴豆醛先与溴化氢加成,再与乙二醇缩醛化得到3-溴代丁醛缩乙二醇,收率80.8%。

    Bromobutyraldehyde ethylene acetal was synthesized from crotonaldehyde by addition with hydrogen bromide and then acetalation with ethylene glycol with an overall yield of 80.8 % .

  15. 在常温常压下,以氧气为氧化剂,溴化氢和亚硝酸叔丁酯为催化剂,高选择性地催化氧化了一系列硫醚。

    At room temperature and atmospheric pressure , using O2 as an oxidant , HBr and tert-butyl nitrite as catalysts , selective oxidation of a broad range of sulfides was achieved .

  16. 叙述了在冰乙酸非水介质中,以结晶紫为指示剂、溴化氢与环氧基团迅速等摩尔反应的溴化氢-冰乙酸非水快速滴定法。

    A new method to analyze epoxy equivalent weight & direct titration with hydrogen bromide in acetic acid , and with crystal violet to indicate end point of normality reaction was described in this paper . quick ;

  17. 盐酸氢吗啡酮双层渗透泵片的体外释放度考察氢溴化二氢去氧吗啡

    Release test of hydromorphone in two layers osmotic pump tablets

  18. 氢溴化二氢去氧吗啡丁烯氧化脱氢铁酸盐催化剂活性位的结构

    Desomorphine hydrobromide Structure of the Active Site on Ferrite Catalysts for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Butene

  19. 氢溴化二氢去氧吗啡氯化铵氯化氧化镧氧化铈混合物及其动力学

    Desomorphine hydrobromide Chlorinating reaction of the admixture of La_2O_3 and CeO_2 by ammonium chloride and its kinetics

  20. 综述了7-脱氢胆固醇的制备方法,包括两种化学法&溴化/脱溴化氢法和氧化还原消除法。

    Two chemical methods ( bromination / dehydrobromination and oxidation / reduction / elimination method ) of the production of 7-dehydrocholesterol are reviewed .

  21. 烷在可见光或紫外光照射下,用氯或溴处理才能氯化或溴化。任何由氢溴酸形成的盐,用作镇静剂。

    Alkanes can be chlorinated or brominated by treatment with chlorine or bromine in the presence of visible or uv light . any of the salts of hydrobromic acid ; used as a sedative .

  22. 该新方法反应条件温和,操作简便,溴的利用率高,无腐蚀性气体溴化氢产生。

    Furthermore , the new method has the following superiority : mild reaction condition , simple operation , high utilization efficiency of bromine and no poisonous gases emitting .