
rónɡ dù jī
  • solubility product
  1. 通过氢氧化铝的条件溶度积常数,求出溶液控制的pH值约为4.7。讨论了滴定数据的位置对测定结果的影响。

    By way of the conditional solubility product of aluminium hydroxide , it was found that the pH of the solution measured should be controlled around 4.7 . The reason that the position of the titration data affects the accuracy of determined result was also discussed .

  2. 根据配位化学热力学平衡原理,绘制了Cd2+-H2O系配合离子浓度pcpH图、镉羟合配离子分率αnpH图及Cd(OH)2条件溶度积pKSpH图。

    The diagrams for the concentration of complex ions pc pH , the ratio of cadmium hydroxy complex ions α n pH and the conditional solubility product of Cd ( OH ) 2 to pH value in Cd2 + - H2O system were drawn , respectively .

  3. 本文论述了用条件溶度积(PS)代替溶度积(K(SP))的实际意义;

    The conditional solubility product was discussed in this paper .

  4. Ca(OH)2溶度积K(SP)测定实验的探讨和改进

    The research and improvment on the experiment to determine solubility product of calcium hydroxide

  5. 从理论上计算鸟粪石和副反应产物磷酸镁和氢氧化镁的条件性溶度积随pH的变化关系,并用浊点法测定了不同pH下鸟粪石在水中的溶解度数据。

    Theoretically , the relationship between conditional dissolve product of magnesium phosphate and magnesium hydrate of byproduct and struvite and pH was explored herein .

  6. 实验还测定了10,20,30mol/L硝酸溶液中钼锆沉淀的表观溶度积K′sp,讨论了硝酸浓度、钼锆初始浓度对表观溶度积的影响。

    The effects of different concentration of nitric acid and initial concentration of Mo and Zr on the apparent solubility product are also investigated .

  7. I-I型易溶盐溶度积的探讨(Ⅱ)

    A research of solubility products in I-I type of very soluble salts (ⅱ)

  8. 条件溶度积说明了MgNH4PO4·6H2O在碱性溶液中沉淀更有利;

    The principles of solubility product shows that it is more favorable to precipitate in alkaline condition for MgNH4PO4 · 6H2O ;

  9. 用中和滴定法测定OH-浓度,相对标准偏差0.14%,计算出新制Ca(OH)2溶度积4.07×10-5,结果令人满意。

    Hydroxide ion concentration was determined by neutralizing titration method . The RSD for OH - was 0.14 % . The solubility product of calcium hydroxide was 4.07 × 10 - 5 and the result was satisfactory .

  10. 前言:定量地研究了I-I型易溶盐的溶度积。研究了“代溶剂效应”和活度效应对该溶度积的影响。

    This paper has studied quantitatively the solubility products in I-I type of very soluble salts , which is influenced by like-solvent effect and activity effect .

  11. 扼要讨论了标准溶度积热力学,并解释了国际标准ISO31&8:1992和我国国家标准GB3102。

    Thermodynamics of standard solubility product is concisely discussed on the hots of the International Standard ISO31-8:1992 and China national standard GB3102 .

  12. 本文根据在pH5~7的试液中,Ba-EDTA和Pb-EDTA的表观稳定常数和BaSO4、PbSO4的条件溶度积常数,得出了新的测定方案。

    In this paper , according to the apparent stability constants of Ba-EDTA , pb-EDTA and the conditional solubility product constants of BaSO_4 、 pbso_4 at pH5 ~ 7 、 proposed a new determination method .

  13. 测得在悬汞电极上的饱和吸附量为1.03×10-9mol·cm-2。该方法用于PbS2O3溶度积的测定,结果与文献值基本一致。

    The saturated adsorptive amounts of S 2O 3 2 - was measured to be 1.03 × 10 - 9 mol / cm2 . The method was applied to determine the solubility products ( K sp ) of PbS 2O 3 with satisfactory results .

  14. 根据奥氏体中第二相的固溶度积理论、Ostwald熟化理论、晶粒尺寸控制理论和沉淀强化理论,对薄板坯连铸连轧时钢中主要夹杂物在奥氏体中形成的可能性及其尺寸的控制进行了理论分析计算。

    According to the solubility product theory of second phase in austenite , Ostward ripening theory , grain size control theory and precipitation strengthening theory , the probability for formation of inclusions in austenite and the inclusion size control have been theoretically analyzed and calculated .

  15. 关于碘酸铜溶度积测定方法的改进

    Improvement of determination method of solubility product constant for Copper Iodate

  16. 碘量法测定碘酸铜的溶度积常数

    Determining the Solubility Product Constant of Copper Iodate through Iodimetric Method

  17. 溶度积规则在废水处理中的重要作用

    The Important Roles the Ks Rule Play in Waste Water Treatment

  18. 难溶铋化合物溶度积的多值性问题

    On the problem of polyfunctional solubility products for bismuth compounds

  19. 还测定了该区萤石的溶度积。

    The solubility product of fluorite from this area has been determined .

  20. 碘量法测定碘酸铜溶度积常数的又一种方法

    Another Method of Determining the Solubility Product Constant of Copper Iodate by Iodometry

  21. 硝酸溶液中钼锆沉淀溶度积的研究结晶型砷酸镍的溶解性

    Study of solubility product on precipitate of molybdenum and zirconium in nitric acid

  22. 溶度积规则的新观点

    The new viewpoints of the Solubility - Product Principle

  23. 利用溶度积常数判断转化反应的验证

    Verification of judging coversion reaction with solubility product constant

  24. 溶度积时有时也具有同样的准确度。

    Solubility products are sometimes known with similar accuracy .

  25. 碘酸钙溶度积的测定

    Measure of solubility product of calcium iodate standard

  26. 硫氰酸汞溶度积的测定

    Measurement of concentration product of mercury thiocyanate

  27. 难溶金属氢氧化物溶度积测定实验中的微机应用

    Computer Application in the Experiment of Measuring the Solubility Product for an Insoluble Hydroxide of Metal

  28. 溶度积规则的探讨

    An Approach to the Solubility-Product Principles

  29. 硫化铜的溶度积

    Solubility Product of Copper Sulphide

  30. 用溶度积原理控制碳化母液中硫化氢最佳浓度

    The optimum concentration of hydrogen sulfide in carbonized mather liquor under the control of solubility product principle