
  • 网络vibrio alginolyticus;V. alginolyticus;V alginolyticus
  1. 溶藻弧菌生物被膜的特性与相关基因的研究

    Characterization of biofilm in Vibrio alginolyticus

  2. 溶藻弧菌溶血素基因反向PCR克隆及其原核表达

    Cloning haemolysin gene of Vibrio alginolyticus through reverse PCR and expression of the gene in prokaryotic cell

  3. 大黄鱼溶藻弧菌LPS的间接ELISA检测

    Detection of the Vibrio alginolyticus LPS of Pseudosciaena crocea by indirect ELISA

  4. 人工感染试验48h后,就能在血淋巴和鳃中检测到溶藻弧菌。

    Vibrio alginolyticus was dectecting in 48h , artificial infection .

  5. 本文测定了大黄鱼表皮、鳃、肠粘液的溶菌活性、IgM含量及蛋白质组成等生理生化特性,并研究了粘液对致病性溶藻弧菌的抗菌活性及溶藻弧菌对粘液的营养利用情况。

    The physicochemical characteristics of skin , gill and intestinal mucus of large yellow croakers are studied .

  6. 在红霉素诱导下,共得到3个差异表达的蛋白溶藻弧菌全菌蛋白,分别是磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧激酶、外膜蛋白N和磷酸丙糖异构酶。

    There were 3 spots differentially expressed of V. alginolyticus induced by erythromycin . The 3 protein pots are triosephosphate isomerase and outer membrane pro - tein N and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase .

  7. 主要病原为溶藻弧菌(Vibrioalginolyticus)和哈氏弧菌(Vharveyi),可引起大黄鱼肝、肾、脾等组织严重病变。

    The main pathogenic bacteria are Vibrio alginolyticus and V.harveyi , which caused the disorder in the liver , kidney , and spleen .

  8. 枯草芽孢杆菌Bs-1拮抗溶藻弧菌的特性

    Properties of metabolites from marine-derived Bacillus subtilis antagonistic to Vibrio alginolyticus

  9. 根据对这2株菌的形态及生理生化特征检测结果,确定这2株菌分别为溶藻弧菌(Vibrioalginolyticus)和副溶血弧菌(V.parahaemolyticus)。

    Based on the morphology and the physiological and biochemical characteristics , these 2 bacteria were identified as Vibrio alginolyticus and V. parahaemolyticus , respectively .

  10. 溶藻弧菌(Vibrioalginolyticus)是一种重要的动物致病菌,弧菌病暴发可以引起海水养殖动物的高死亡率,在欧洲和南亚等地导致重大的经济损失。

    Vibrio alginolyticus is one of the important epizootic pathogens causing high mortality outbreaks of vibriosis in sea animals in farmed mariculture throughout Europe and South Asia , resulting in important economic losses .

  11. 超声波平板法检测溶藻弧菌HY9901生物被膜的研究

    Optimization of Ultrasonic-plate Method for Quantitative Detection of Bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus ( HY9901 ) Biofilm

  12. 溶藻弧菌疫苗对牙鲆免疫效果的研究

    Study of Vaccination Against Vibrio alginolyticus on Cultured Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus

  13. 溶藻弧菌引起虾病暴发的病原学研究

    Study on the Pathogeny of Vibrio alginolyticus Caused the Shrimp Disease

  14. 溶藻弧菌内毒素免疫Balb/c小鼠方法的研究

    Immunization of balb / c mice with endotoxin from Vibrio alginolyticus

  15. 关于进境冻大马哈鱼携带溶藻弧菌的风险分析

    Risk Analysis of Vibrio Alginolyticus in Imported Frozen Chum Salmon

  16. 溶藻弧菌抗独特型抗体基因工程疫苗的研究

    Studies on Gene Engineered Vaccine of the Anti-idiotype mAb Against Vibrio Alginolyticus

  17. 大黄鱼溶藻弧菌病细胞病理变化的初步研究

    Studied on cell pathology of Vibrio alginolyticus disease to large yellow croakers

  18. 河弧菌10株,溶藻弧菌7株;

    Vibrio fluvialis in 10 ; Vibrio alginolyticus in 7 ;

  19. 溶藻弧菌外膜蛋白(Va-OMP)的免疫原性及免疫保护性

    Immunogenicity and immunoprotection of outer membrane proteins of Vibrio alginolyticus

  20. 溶藻弧菌的间接荧光抗体快速检测

    Studies on the rapid detection of Vibrio alginolyticus by indirect fluorescent antibody staining

  21. 鳗弧菌和溶藻弧菌二联疫苗对大菱鲆的免疫效果

    Immune efficacy of a bivalent vaccine for turbot against Vibrio anguillarum and V.alginolyticus

  22. 结论溶藻弧菌是本次食物中毒的病原菌。

    Conclusion Vibrio Alginolyticus was the germ which caused the food - poisoning .

  23. 人工感染溶藻弧菌对大黄鱼免疫功能的影响

    Effect of experimental infection with Vibrio alginolyticus on immune parameters of Pseudosciaena crocea

  24. 溶藻弧菌对大黄鱼表皮黏液的黏附特性研究

    Characteristics of adhesion of Vibrio alginolyticus to the skin mucus of Pseudosciaena crocea

  25. 溶藻弧菌单克隆抗体的制备及应用

    Production and application of monoclonal antibodies of Vibrio alginolyticus

  26. 噬菌体用于溶藻弧菌的诊断和分型研究

    Study on diagnose & type of v.alginolyticus using bacteriophages

  27. 注射溶藻弧菌疫苗对南美白对虾免疫功能的影响

    Effects of Vibrio alginolyticus Vaccine on White Legged Shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) Immunity

  28. 溶藻弧菌是严重危害我国南方水产养殖业的主要病原菌。

    Vibrio alginolyticus is the major pathogen to the grouper in the South China .

  29. 由溶藻弧菌引起的一起食物中毒

    A Food - poisoning Caused by Vibrio Alginolyticus

  30. 抗溶藻弧菌独特型单克隆抗体可变区基因的克隆和序列分析

    Cloning and sequence analysis of variable region gene of anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody against vibrio alginolyticus