
  • 网络eastern yunnan
  1. 滇东地区深层次Pt-Cu-Au矿化异常定量提取与评价

    Quantitative Extraction and Estimation of Conceal Mineralization Anomalies of Pt-Cu-Au in Eastern Yunnan Province

  2. 滇东Pt-Pd-Cu含矿建造地球化学特征及其含矿性分析

    Geochemical characteristics of Pt-Pd-Cu ore-bearing formations in eastern Yunnan and analysis of their ore potentiality

  3. 川西滇东地区前寒武系地层中白云母b0值的初步研究

    An approach to b_0 values of Muscovite from Precambrian strata , West Sichuan and East Yunnan

  4. 通过对滇东主要断裂带上典型温泉的地质背景、环境条件、水化学及碳、氦稳定同位素分析,探讨这些温泉CO2释放的一般规律。

    This paper discussed the rules of CO_ 2 degassing from hot springs on main faults within the east of Yunnan in terms of the analysis of geological background , environmental condition , chemistry of water and carbon , and helium isotope data .

  5. 滇东磷矿床中粘土矿物的研究

    On the clay minerals of phosphate ore deposit in East Yunnan

  6. 滇东岩溶区表层岩溶水源地特征及其开发利用

    The characteristics & developmen of epigenic karst water in East Yunnan

  7. 滇东磷块岩及工业磷矿床成因

    The phosphorites and genesis of industrial P deposits in East Yunnan

  8. 滇东地区有较丰富的煤炭和煤层气资源。

    There are abundant coal and seam gas resources in East Yunnan .

  9. 用图象识别方法判定滇东地区的强震危险

    Determination of strong earthquake risk in eastern Yunnan by adaptive pattern recognition

  10. 滇东曲靖地区晚志留世四射珊瑚动物群

    Late Silurian rugose coral fauna from the Qujing district , East Yunnan

  11. 滇东铂钯地球化学勘查及异常评价

    Platinum and palladium geochemical exploration and evaluation in eastern Yunnan

  12. 滇东喀斯特山地植被退化及其恢复对策

    Vegetation Degradation and Its Restoration Strategies of Karst Upland in South-eastern Yunnan

  13. 滇东磷块岩矿床中磷灰石的富集特征

    The enrichment characteristics of apatite from phosphorites in East Yunnan

  14. 滇东区域地球物理场的地质意义

    The geological significance of regional geophysical fields in East Yunnan

  15. 滇东晚二叠世煤层气控制因素探讨

    A discussion on the factors controlling late Permian seam gas in East Yunnan

  16. 滇东岩溶石山地区石漠化特征及成因

    On the desertification and genesis of Karst Stone Mountain Area in East Yunnan

  17. 滇东曲靖泥盆纪珊瑚礁的特征及其研究意义

    Devonian reef in Qujing region , eastern yunnan : its characteristics and significance

  18. 煤层气勘探目标评价方法&以滇东黔西地区为例

    Exploration target evaluation of coalbed methane in East yunnan & west Guizhou region

  19. 滇东喀斯特山地土壤种子及其分布特征

    Seeds and Their Distribution in the Soils of Karst Upland in Eastern Yunnan

  20. 滇东地区早寒武世磷块岩的藻类化石

    Phosphatic fossil algae from phosphorite deposits in eastern Yunnan

  21. 滇东黔西地区陆相二叠&三叠系界线粘土岩特征

    Characteristics of claystone at the continental Permian-Triassic boundary in the eastern Yunnan-western Guizhou region

  22. 滇东和滇西北扩散参数较大,滇南较小;

    Diffuse parameter is bigger in eastern and northwestern , but smaller in southern ;

  23. 滇东南岩溶山地次生林土壤种子库储量与优势成分

    Storage and dominants in soil seed banks under karst secondary forests in southeastern Yunnan

  24. 滇东曲靖志留-泥盆系界线研究的新进展

    New advance in the study of the Silurian-Devonian Boundary in Qujing , East Yunnan

  25. 滇东磷矿床中粘土矿物分布比较广泛,在震旦系到寒武系各地层中均有分布。

    The clay minerals of phosphate ore deposit are widespread in Sinian and Cambrian strata .

  26. 滇东喀斯特植被恢复演替过程中物种多样性研究

    Species Diversity in the Process of Vegetation Succession in the Karst Area in Eastern Yunnan

  27. 滇东南岩溶山区4个针阔叶树种造林试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Silviculture Experiment of Four Species at Karst Mountainous Area of Southeast Yunnan

  28. 滇东地区未来数年M≥6.0地震的统计预测

    Statistical forecasting of M ≥ 6.0 earthquakes in East Yunnan Province for the coming several years

  29. 滇东扬子板缘犁式冲断带的发现及其意义

    Finding of Plough-Shaped Thrust Belt on the Yangtze Plate Margin in Eastern Yunnan and Its Significance

  30. 滇东罗平地区中三叠统中发现液态油苗

    Discovery of oil seepage from the Middle Triassic of Luoping area , eastern Yunnan , China