
  1. 据《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)报道,滕飞建议将现有的燃煤排污费提高5到10倍,以体现煤炭的真实成本。

    Teng suggested that taxes on coal need to be raised between five and ten times to reflect the real cost of burning it , according to the South China Morning Post .

  2. 由清华大学副教授滕飞主持的一项调查显示,近20年来中国经济飞速发展所引发的最严重的副作用是污染问题:中国14亿人口中超过70%生活在污染级别高于国家规定标准的环境中;

    The study , by Tsinghua University associate professor TengFei , lays bare the extent of the country 's pollution problem that is the darkest side effect of the country 's rapid growth over the last 20 years : over 70 % of China 's 1.4 billion population are exposed to pollution levels above national regulatory norms ,