
mǎn yuán
  • gardenful
满园[mǎn yuán]
  1. 那玫瑰花使满园飘香。

    Those roses perfume the whole garden .

  2. 百花盛开春满园是今日文坛的写照。

    The world of letters can be portrayed today as a garden with a hundred flowers in bloom .

  3. 作为边疆教育实践家,其献身边疆教育,满园桃李,是边疆教育界的一座丰碑;

    His achievement in education is a monument of Lincang education ;

  4. 满园的玫瑰将芬芳你我的一生!

    Man Yuan the rose will be fragrant your I the life !

  5. 都能想象到满园鲜花了。

    I can just see filling this yard with flowers .

  6. 万紫千红春满园&论科学发展观与地方剧种的保护

    On the Principle of Scientific Development and the Protection of the Local Opera

  7. 看今朝,素质教育硕果结满园。

    Look today , we harvest great fruits of quality education in our campus .

  8. 这是一个中国四合院式的院落,桃李满园,绿意盎然。

    This is a Chinese courtyard of the compound , exchanging rain , the green .

  9. 你是葡萄树茂盛满园。

    You are a full-spread fair-set Vine .

  10. 全方位豪华高尔夫园景客房,绿色满园、心旷神怡。

    The luxurious Golf Garden room provides a green view that makes you relaxed and happy .

  11. 当时正值蜜桃成熟的季节,满园的桃树结满了白里透红的硕果。

    When ripe peach roses season , the peach tree full of red fruits in white .

  12. 细雨默默润心田万紫千红春满园&论班主任工作促进学生个性发展的策略

    Constant Efforts Spell Success & On the Strategies of Promoting Students ' individuality Development for Class Advisers

  13. 自己种植满园芬芳,并用能带给你快乐的思想和热情来丰富自己的灵魂。

    plant your own garden and decorate your own soul with ideas and passions that bring you joy .

  14. 闻着朋友家的满园花香,母亲的面庞好象又出现了。

    I smelt the fragrance of those flowers in my friend 's garden and then my mother 's face appeared .

  15. 满园深浅色几处嫣花红&宝山钢铁总厂环境景观综述

    A garden full of gorgeous colours and charming scarlet blossoms a review of the landscape of Baoshan General Iron and steel factory

  16. 当我进入植物园,看见满园绿意盎然的植物与树木时,我深深地思念起了家乡。

    When we entered the gardens and I saw all the green plants and trees , it was a powerful reminder of home .

  17. 想要从饰有独角兽人与雌性斑马人在满园异国情调的蝴蝶与蜻蜓环绕下嬉戏图案的浅盘中品尝美食吗?

    Keen to eat from a platter decorated with half-unicorn men and zebra-bodied women cavorting in a garden of exotic butterflies and dragonflies ?

  18. 伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现-这苦涩的根必将迎来满园芬芳!

    What a great opportunity that moment may present ...... to take the bitter root I am holding and transform it into fragrant garden of flowers .

  19. 本公司的企业文化是“一枝独秀不是春,百花齐放春满园”。

    This company 's enterprise culture is " Just one flower blooms is not the spring , but all flowers blooms together the spring full garden " .

  20. 果园一块用于种植水果或干果的土地因此在花期,果园最好是蜜蜂满园。

    An area of land devoted to the cultivation of fruit or nut trees . Thus , growers should saturate the planting with bees at bloom time .

  21. 在满园弥漫的沉静光芒中,一个人更容易看到时间,并看见自己的身影。

    In the still rays of light suffusing the park , it was easy for a person to see the time , and easy to see his own shadow .

  22. 但是每年的这个时候,当冬天来临时,我会望向窗外想着明年春天我将会看到满园的花。

    But every year now , when winter sets in , I look out my window and think of the flowers I 'll see next spring in my little garden .

  23. 新年的第一天,我在默默地为您祝福,愿您的生活中:春满园,夏宜人,秋收获,冬温暖。

    On the first day of the new year , I wish you a happy life silently : summer is pleasant ; winter is warm , autumn is haruest and spring is delightfut .

  24. 即使我已是一名培育桃李的园丁,我仍需辛勤耕耘,满园桃李才会硕果累累,飘香四海;

    Even if I have been a gardener cultivating the plumtrees , I still have to work hard so that the plumtrees can fruit more in the garden , with fragrance spreading faraway ;

  25. 李玉亭他们也已经回去,园子里没有人,密树叶中间的电灯也就闭熄,满园子阴沉沉。

    Li Yu-ting and the others had left , and the garden was deserted . The lights among the thick foliage of the trees had been switched off , and a heavy gloom had descended on the garden .

  26. 当然,最好是今天曼联队纽卡斯尔能输了而切尔西明天对阿斯顿维拉时候能胜了,形势会再度翻转,我们将花开满园但这可不是我们要期盼的。

    Of course , should Manchester United lose at Newcastle today and Chelsea win at Aston Villa tomorrow , the coin will turn again and all in our garden will be roses-but that is not the way to look forward .

  27. 譬如秋风忽至,再有一场早霜,落叶或飘摇歌舞或坦然安卧,满园中播散着熨帖而微苦的味道。

    or the autumn wind suddenly arrives , and there is an early frost , and falling leaves or tottering singing and dancing or calm and quiet sleep : the park is pervaded with an atmosphere of tranquility and a little bitterness .

  28. 满园的姹紫嫣红虽已烟消影散,但我们透过园林诗仍能伴随着诗人的审美记忆,在古典的曲桥回廊间穿梭,体味其浓郁的生活气息和浪漫的艺术情调。

    Although the colorful garden has disappeared , but we can through the gardens along with the poet , poetry aesthetic memory , in the classical shuttle between the bridges and winding corridors , savor the rich flavor of life and art of the romantic atmosphere .