
lǜ ɡuānɡ jìnɡ
  • filter;screen
  1. 圆偏振滤光镜反向使用时的摄影性能

    The Photographic Performance of a Circular Polarizing Filter Used Inversely

  2. 自动变光焊接滤光镜的转换时间的特性及测量

    Research on characteristic and Measurement of Switching Time for Automatic Wilding Filter

  3. 芬兰堆萨拉公司最新研制的光学CO2传感器Carbocap,其工作原理采用了单束双波长非发散性红外线测量方法,其独特之处在于它的滤光镜&一种袖珍电子调谐干扰仪。

    A new CO2 gas sensor was developed in Vaisala company , a IR measuring method of single light beam and double wave length was used in the sensor .

  4. 即在硬件方面,采用两组CCD相机同时拍摄(一个安装普通镜头,一个加装滤光镜),以满足光照强度范围大的影响。

    That is , it is used two groups of CCD camera ( one of the camera have common lens , the other one have the filter ) to take pictures to meet the impact of light intensity range from the hardware method .

  5. 那样的话,你可以使用暗色滤光镜。

    In that case , you can use black screen .

  6. 这张照片我是用红色滤光镜拍摄的。

    I took this picture with a red filter .

  7. 冬季女装色彩预测可调色装饰灯反射滤光镜

    Tunable color reflection filters for decorated lights

  8. 摄影滤光镜的标准和规范

    The Standard and Specifications of Photography Filters

  9. 你还需要在镜头上加一块深红色的滤光镜来提高反差。

    You have to put a deep red filter on the lens to increase the contrast .

  10. 不这张拍得不行用错滤光镜了

    Oop , no. That one doesn 't work . I , um , used a wrong filter .

  11. 滤光镜的因数与应用

    Filter coefficient and Application

  12. 目的记录不同激发光、接收滤光镜下,各种油墨红外发光强弱的程度,为文字检验提供基础性的研究。

    Objective Record the result of luminescence of inks in infrared region by different exciting and receiving wave band .

  13. 这部电影在放映时使用两个拷贝通过偏振光滤光镜投射到银幕上,然后通过镜片偏振方向不同的偏光眼镜将两个图像分开。

    Two prints were projected through polarising filters at the cinema screen , before being separated by glasses with differently-polarised lenses .

  14. 无论是裸眼还是使用望远镜,包括没有装配合适的滤光镜的望远镜,都决不能直视太阳。

    Never look directly at the sun , either with the naked eye or through telescopes or binoculars without the proper filters .

  15. 为了降低成本,目前大部份数位相机使用单晶片感光元件及一片三色交错滤光镜。

    Digital cameras use a single image sensor array with a color filter array ( CFA ) to measure a color image .

  16. 感觉多种类型的感觉,如视觉或听觉常见致盲眼病的对比敏感度及滤光镜对视觉的影响

    Any of the various types of sensation , such as vision or hearing . Contrast sensitivity of several blindness inducing eye diseases and the influence of tinted filter lens

  17. 目的探讨滤光镜在视神经萎缩、青光眼和视网膜色素变性所致盲和低视力患者视觉康复中的作用。

    Objectives To evaluate the effects of tinted filter lens on the visual rehabilitation of blind and low vision patients induced by optic nerve atrophy , glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa .

  18. 阐述了热释电红外传感器的结构及工作原理,并简要介绍了现在流行的红外组合件构造及滤光镜的使用。

    This paper elaborates the structure and operating principle of pyroelectric infra-red ( PRI ) transducer and introduces the construction of infra - red combination which is in vogue nowadays and the use of filter .

  19. 滤光镜误差补偿的研究为提高三维激光扫描精度奠定了基础,路径规划的研究为各种破损工件修复制定了合理的方案。

    The filter error compensation serves as a base of accuracy improvement for 3D laser scanning . The reasonable scheme for repairing different kinds of damaged parts can be provided by the research on the path planning .

  20. 本文在滤光镜误差分析的基础上,对误差补偿进行了较全面的研究,给出了曲线拟合、神经网络、直接补偿和建立模型四种补偿方案并且通过实验验证了这些方法的有效性。

    The more comprehensive study on filter error compensation was made based on the analysis of filter error . Furthermore , four effective compensation programs including curve fitting , neural network , direct compensation and modeling methods were given . 2 .