
  • 网络binjiang road;riverside road
  1. 城市滨江路建设是一项综合性多学科、多专业的系统工程,是近些年城市建设的一个重要组成部分。

    The construction of the urban Binjiang Road is a comprehensive multi course and multi speciality system engineering .

  2. 本文从设计标准、结构形式、地基处理等方面阐述城市滨江路设计的特殊性并提出相应建议。

    The paper states the particularity of the design of the urban Binjiang Road Sector in the design standards , structural form and foundation treatment etc.

  3. 山地城市滨江路的规划建设和防洪标准&以重庆主城为例

    Planning and flood control standard of river-side road in mountainous cities

  4. 改善重庆市滨江路规划设计模式的探讨

    Discussion on Improving Planning Design Mode of Chongqing Riverside Road

  5. 结合重庆市滨江路二期工程D段的挖孔桩施工,介绍了控制爆破技术在挖孔桩施工中的应用。

    Combined with practical excavation pile work in Chongqing the application of controlled blasting technique in excavation pile construction is introduced .

  6. 笔者根据重庆地区滨江路建设中的高填方路基处理的工程实践,对护岸工程中高填方路基土强夯处理的设计参数选择、质量检测等问题进行分析。

    In the paper , based on the engineering practice of high fill roadbed dynamic compaction in the construction of river bank road , in Chongqing region , some problems such as parameters designing and quality examining of high fill roadbed dynamic compaction in retaining wall engineering is analyzed .