
tān tóu zhèn dì
  • beachhead;beachhead position
  1. 他们一登上滩头阵地就意外地遭到两面夹攻。

    They were attacked unexpectedly from both sides as soon as they landed at a beachhead .

  2. 部队很快建立了一个滩头阵地并准备进军。

    The troops quickly established a beachhead and were preparing to advance .

  3. 滩头阵地建立起来了。

    A bridgehead was established .

  4. 韩国流行音乐(K-pop)以舞蹈动作精美的视频和令人着迷的动感音乐赢得了来自东南亚、中国和日本的大批痴迷的追随者,并在欧洲、美国和拉美建立了坚固的滩头阵地。

    With its slickly choreographed videos and addictively energetic sound , K-pop commands obsessive followings across Southeast Asia , China and Japan , and has established firm beachheads in Europe , the US and Latin America .

  5. 铁路专用数据网接入平台的开发、实施具有重要的现实意义,可进一步牵引铁路市场需求,抢占铁路数据通信市场的滩头阵地,为铁路信息化建设提供承载基础服务。

    The railway data networks ' development and implement with the important realistic significance , and pull railway market demand .

  6. 他们在海外设立“滩头阵地”办公室,为那些在全世界都有业务的老顾客服务。

    They have moved abroad with " beachhead " offices that serve existing clients who do business around the world .

  7. 海军副官泰兹韦尔·谢泼德中校报告了滩头阵地确实的又不妙的情况。火柴作兹兹声而熄灭。

    Commander Tazewell Shepard , the naval aide , gave a report , precise and bleak , on the beachhead . The match sputtered out .

  8. 美国大型货轮运来了重型武器,当登陆部队守住滩头阵地后,这些重型装备将用于挺进内陆的战斗。

    Large transport ships of the Americans brought the heavy equipment that was to be employed for the fighting in the depth after the landing forces secured the beachheads .

  9. 他们一登上滩头阵地就意外地遭到两面夹攻。我们两面夹攻,一个连的敌人很快就报销了。

    They were attacked unexpectedly from both sides as soon as they landed at a beachhead . A company of enemy force was caught in our cross fire and was wiped out right away .

  10. 更重要的是,这次交易为我们建立了一个海外市场的桥头堡和滩头阵地,对于一个依赖于消费者的企业来说,建立品牌是至关重要的,而且是相当困难的。

    More importantly , this transaction as we established a bridgehead and overseas market beachhead , for a dependent on consumer business , build brand is very important , and it is quite difficult .

  11. 这个拥有450万人口的城市小国一直在吸引着海外投资者,努力将自己定位成全球贸易中心以及企业进入亚洲的滩头阵地。

    The tiny city state , with a population of 4.5m , has been wooing outside investors to try to brand itself as a global hub , as well as a beachhead for companies seeking to enter Asia .

  12. 珠三角地区作为西方列强打开中国大门的滩头阵地之一,帝国主义、军阀官僚和资本家对该地区工人的剥削和压迫更为深重。

    As the Pearl River Delta Region was one of the beachheads where the Western Powers opened the door of China , the imperialists , warlords , bureaucrats and capitalists had more exploitation and oppression on the workers of this area .