
dī dā
  • tick;ticktack;ticktock


dī da
  • drip
滴答 [dī dá]
  • [ticktack] 形容水滴落下或钟表摆动的声音

  • 雨夹雪打在冰冻的玻璃窗上的滴嗒声

滴答[dī dā]
滴答[dī da]
  1. 他们能听见时钟有规律的滴答声。

    They could hear the regular tick of the clock .

  2. 在本例中,A是分配给该副本的唯一ID,而5是当前滴答计数,它使副本能够了解当前的最大变化个数。

    A is the Replica ID and5 is the current tick count that this replica knows changes up to .

  3. 寂静中,我们能听到钟表滴答作响。

    In the silence we could hear the clock ticking .

  4. 埃伦听见大厅的钟滴答滴答地大声走着。

    Ellen heard the loud ticking of the clock in the hall .

  5. 到35岁时,凯特的生物钟开始滴答作响。

    At 35 , Kate 's biological clock was ticking .

  6. 只有屋顶上滴答滴答持续不断的滴水声打破了寂静。

    The silence was broken only by the steady drip , drip of water from the roof .

  7. 雨水从伞上滴答下来。

    Rain drips from the umbrella .

  8. 台钟在滴答滴答地响。

    The clock is ticking .

  9. 屋顶上的雪化了,滴答着水。

    The snow on the roof melted and dripped down .

  10. 夜很静,只有钟摆滴答滴答地响。

    The night was very quiet except for the ticking of the clock .

  11. 雨滴答滴答地下个不停。

    The rain pattered down endlessly .

  12. 思想的时钟滴答滴答地表达着欲望和克制

    The clock of thought ticks out its wish and its denial .

  13. 如果他作恶,但愿天降祸于他。n.滴答声

    Woe betides him if he does evils .

  14. tbtoxs:用来将TB滴答数转换成xseconds

    Tb_to_xs : used to convert from TB ticks to xseconds

  15. n.滴答声vi.发出滴答声只有钟的滴答声打破了寂静。

    tick The silence were broken only by the tick of the clock .

  16. 在一个双星系统中,因为所有这些都-,处于双星系统中,这些x射线双星,如果向你移动-,你会看到多普勒顿移,计时的滴答声。

    If the neutron star-in a binary system because all of these are in a binary system , - these x-ray binaries if it 's coming to you , you see Doppler shift .

  17. 第三个例程测试了任务是如何通过由滴答组成的时间片来实现对CPU的占用的,CPU的利用率也是通过花费的滴答数来体现。

    The third routine tests that task how to occupy CPU via time slice composed of tick , indicates that CPU usage be represented by ticks spent on tasks .

  18. 考虑了一会儿,在此期间又扔了三个小石头,它们滴答地响着,掉进井里,Simon决定直接在龙的眼皮子底下做,这要比跟她搞迂回路线更安全。

    After a moment 's consideration , during which time he sent three more stones tick-tack-ticking down the well , Simon decided it would be safer to go under the Dragon than around her .

  19. 在Linux内核中,时间由一个名为jiffies的全局变量衡量,该变量标识系统启动以来经过的滴答数。

    In the Linux kernel , time is measured by a global variable named jiffies , which identifies the number of ticks that have occurred since the system was booted .

  20. 根据您的处理器和处理器运行的速度,您的里程(mileage)可能会不同,但这个API的确提供了一种方法来在jiffies滴答间隔下调度超时。

    Depending upon your processor and the speed at which it operates , your mileage may vary , but the API does offer a way to schedule time-outs below the jiffies tick interval .

  21. 第一个例程测试了ACOS是如何利用滴答来支持与时间相关的运行的;

    The first routine tests that ACOS how to support task running associated with tune using tick .

  22. 此时连jiffies(用来对中断进行计时的内核时钟滴答数)都不会改变,这样就可以对ISR进行调试了。

    Even the jiffies ( small packets of kernel time for timing interrupts ) are not altered and this lets you debug the Interrupt Service Routine .

  23. 文件传输中已扫描的27亿个包(是以前内核版本的4倍)以及每KB传输需要的10.07个取样滴答很精确地说明了需要做多少工作。

    The2.7 billion packets scanned for the file transfer ( 4 times as many as the previous kernel version ) and10.07 sampled ticks per KB transferred are testament to exactly how much work had to be done .

  24. 我们等候时,计程车里的计程表一直在滴答地响着。

    While we waited the taxi 's meter kept ticking away .

  25. 时间滴答,时钟静静地敲响了11点的铃声。

    Time ticking clock chimed quietly , 11 o'clock bell ring .

  26. 惟一的响声是钟表轻轻的滴答声。

    The only sound was the soft tick of the clock .

  27. 钟的滴答声在静静的房间里变得越来越响。

    The clock ticked louder and louder in a quiet room .

  28. 倾听雨声,滴答降落大地

    To listen to the falling rain , pattering on the grounds

  29. 他们驱车前进,里程计滴答滴答地把里程记录下来。

    The speedometer clicked off the mileage as they drove on .

  30. 火车站的时钟滴答滴地响着,一分一秒地送走了等车的几个小时时间。

    The railway station clock ticked away the hours of waiting .