
  1. 这个文化同样制造漆木。

    The culture also produced lacquer wood .

  2. 那寺庙的红漆木门外,仍然是密密麻麻磕长头的信徒们。

    Outside the door painted in red , are the prostrators and believers doing praying .

  3. 百宝嵌&漆艺中的奇葩阳新出土商代黑漆木柄的保护处理

    The Conservation and Handling of a Late Sheng Dynasty Black Lacquer Wooden Handle Excavated at Yang Xin

  4. 东周时期楚国注重对漆树的栽培,楚墓优良的防护措施使得楚式漆木家具能够较多且较完整的保存至今,为今日对这一时期家具的研究提供了宝贵的实物资料。

    Chu Dynasty paid more attention to the planting of sumac in Eastern Zhou Period . The excellent protection methods of Chu tombs made the furniture sound and preserved till now , which also provided precious information to research .

  5. 还粉饰了所有木器,我只是剥夺和再保险漆所有木制品。

    I just stripped and re-varnished all the woodwork . Look .

  6. 杯子上半截是完整的,腿却折掉了,它被换了装在一个涂了蓝漆的木坨子上。

    It was perfect in the upper part , but the foot was broken off , and it had therefore been fixed upon a little carved block of wood , painted blue .