
lòu dǒu xiào yìnɡ
  • funneling effect
  1. 尽管近年来各级政府加大了农业投资力度,微观主体间漏斗效应的存在仍然使得投资总量与结构难以满足农业现代化发展的需求。

    In recent years , agricultural investment from government has been strengthening , but funneling effect between micro-main bodies and structure leads to a consequence so the total investment can not meet development of agricultural modernization .

  2. HFC网络噪声漏斗效应的一种解决方案

    A Solution for Noise Funnel Effect of HFC Network

  3. 这种方式存在用户可用的带宽有限和HFC回传信道有漏斗效应等缺点。

    Usually , there are some weaknesses in limited bandwidth available and " funnel effect " for the upstream channel of HFC in this way .

  4. 但HFC网络中同轴电缆网络上行信道中存在的噪声漏斗效应限制了上行信道调制技术的选择。

    But the existence of noise funneling in the return path of cable network in HFC system restricts the selection of modulation techniques for the return path .

  5. 这导致了一种从亚洲货币到美圆和欧元的漏斗效应。

    This causes a funnelling from Asian currencies into dollars and euros .

  6. 海湾、河口和海峡形成的漏斗效应。

    The funnelling effect of bays , estuaries and straits .

  7. 我国货币政策传导过程中的漏斗效应与黑洞效应&揭开1998年后我国货币供给渗漏之谜

    The Funnel Effect and The Collapsar Effect in Transmission of China 's Monetary Policy

  8. 同轴电缆网络上行信道噪声漏斗效应及其对调制技术的影响分析

    Noise funneling and its influence on modulation scheme in the return path of cable network

  9. 本文论述了漏斗效应的涵义及影响漏斗效应强度的因素,并详细叙述了按漏斗效应原理设计的几种漏斗式高炉炉顶及其使用效果。

    The meaning of hopper effect and the influence of factors on its intensity are demonstrated .

  10. 浅析司法实践中的漏斗效应

    The Funnel Effect in judicial practice

  11. 对双重漏斗效应案例的描述和分析,提供了对上述假说的经验支持。

    The description and analysis of the case of " effect of the double funnel " offer the experience support to the above-mentioned hypothesizes .

  12. 为改善我国货币政策的有效性,就必须针对货币政策传导的漏斗效应与黑洞效应采取有效措施,从而逐步抑制货币供给渗漏。

    To improve the efficiency of China 's monetary policy , the urgent task is to take the effective measure to hold funnel effect and collapsar effect .

  13. 此外,由于从光节点到用户端为树型分支结构,同一光节点的多个用户共享同一信道,形成了漏斗效应。

    Since HFC system has the tree-and-branch topology between the fiber-node and subscriber units , subscriber units belonging to one fiber-node share the same upstream channel , forming the " noise funneling " effect .

  14. 圆筒仓圆锥漏斗的边缘效应弯矩分析

    Analysis of Edge Effected Bending Moment in Silo Funnel