
yǎn chàng
  • sing;sing in a performance;vocals;rendition
演唱 [yǎn chàng]
  • [sing in a performance] 以唱的方式表演(歌曲、戏曲等)

演唱[yǎn chàng]
  1. 他们的演唱风格有点像。

    There is some similarity in the way they sing .

  2. 她想听他现场演唱。

    She wanted to hear him sing in person .

  3. 她在《卡门》中演唱卡门的角色。

    She has sung the title role in ' Carmen ' .

  4. 他的演唱无法与帕瓦罗蒂媲美。

    His singing can 't hold a candle to Pavarotti 's.

  5. 想不到你从来没搞过专业演唱。

    It surprises me that you 've never sung professionally .

  6. 乐队跟着伴奏带在模拟演唱。

    The band was miming to a backing tape .

  7. 每逢她演唱,任何歌剧院都场场爆满。

    Opera houses are packed out wherever she sings .

  8. 查尔斯兴致勃勃地听她演唱。

    Charles listened with rapture to her singing .

  9. 她随一支摇滚乐队演唱,但她本身也是爵士乐手。

    She sings with a rock band , but she 's also a jazz musician in her own right .

  10. 他不该在没有征得演唱者同意的情况下录音。

    He shouldn 't be taping without the singer 's permission .

  11. 广播一台主要播放一些面向年轻人的乐团所演唱的畅销曲目。

    Radio 1 's playlist is dominated by top-selling youth-orientated groups .

  12. 他把自己对演唱的激情投入传递给了观众。

    He transmitted his keen enjoyment of singing to the audience .

  13. 该乐队目前正在策划在美国举办一系列演唱会。

    The band are currently planning a series of Stateside gigs .

  14. 一位双臂交叉的老妇人演唱了高音部。

    An elderly woman , arms crossed , sang the descant .

  15. 他们闲暇时就在格拉斯哥的阿盖尔街上演唱卖艺。

    They spent their free time in Glasgow busking in Argyle Street .

  16. 上周五她演唱的经典印度歌曲让听众如痴如醉。

    Last Friday she entranced the audience with her classical Indian singing .

  17. 他在钢琴的伴奏下演唱了《我可爱的情人》。

    He sang ' My Funny Valentine ' to a piano accompaniment .

  18. 这些歌词是用原来的意大利语演唱的。

    The texts were sung in the original Italian .

  19. 我希望大家记住现场演唱会上的猫王。

    I want people to remember Elvis in concert .

  20. 鲍勃·迪伦正在组织一个为期两周的英国新年巡回演唱会。

    Bob Dylan is lining up a two-week UK tour for the New Year .

  21. 在赫伯特·怀斯曼的风琴伴奏下,我们演唱了布莱克的《耶路撒冷》作为终曲。

    We ended with Blake 's Jerusalem , accompanied on the organ by Herbert Wiseman .

  22. 聆听着唱片里鲁比·默里演唱《丹尼男孩》的时候,他们泪眼模糊。

    They got misty-eyed listening to records of Ruby Murray singing ' Danny Boy ' .

  23. 该乐队举行了13场全国巡回演唱会,其中包括在纽约的一站。

    The group made a 13-concert cross-country tour , including a stop in New York .

  24. 11月28日,这两支乐队将携手在谢菲尔德剧场举办一场演唱会。

    The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena on November 28

  25. 由来自得克萨斯三人组合演唱的动听美国歌曲

    classy American songs from a Texas trio

  26. 在利兹举办的一场演唱会上,一些小流氓朝他们吐口水,扔啤酒罐。

    At a concert in Leeds , some punks gobbed at them and threw beer cans .

  27. 当你意识到他们开始从头演唱同样的歌曲时,新鲜感也就没有了。

    When you realise they are singing the same songs over again , the novelty wears off

  28. 有一点可以肯定,阿斯特伯里的演唱风格多年来没怎么改变。

    One thing 's for sure , Astbury 's vocal style hasn 't changed much over the years

  29. 唱诗班的演唱准确无误。

    The choir sang with precision

  30. 斯泰茜·拉蒂索抛弃了自己在摩城唱片公司的演唱事业,成为了一名福音歌手。

    Stacey Lattisaw has turned her back on her singing career with Motown Records to become a gospel singer