
  • 网络Pandora
  1. 或者不如说,是年长的海豚姐姐潘朵拉(Pandora)强迫海豚妹妹调换了她们的孩子。

    Or rather , the older sister , Pandora , forced the switch .

  2. 这个计划的目的是准备好您的PSP的记忆棒可用于与潘朵拉的电池。

    This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery .

  3. 至于潘朵拉,埃克表示,潘朵拉和Spotify的服务是互补的。

    As for Pandora ( P ) , he says both services are complementary .

  4. 与潘朵拉(Pandora)或LinkedIn的上市相比,人人的IPO更像是为明年的市场定调的一次网络公司IPO。

    More so than Pandora or LinkedIn , RenRen could be the web IPO that sets the market 's tone for the next year .

  5. 其中,一个热门音乐应用程序“潘朵拉”(Pandora)会把用户的年龄、性别、位置和手机序列号发送给各个广告网络公司。

    The versions of Pandora , a popular music app , sent age , gender , location and phone identifiers to various ad networks .

  6. 潘朵拉被派到人间送给伊比米修斯。

    Pandora was sent to the earth and was presented to epimetheus .

  7. 最好的例子,这个制度是潘朵拉的音乐推荐服务。

    The best example of this system is the Pandora music recommendation service .

  8. 在这里,您有它,所有在多合一的解决方案为您的潘朵拉的需要。

    Here you have it , an all-in-one solution for your Pandora Needs .

  9. 潘朵拉之盒已开启,你所有的秘密,最可憎的部分

    That a Pandora ' s box of all the secret , hateful parts ...

  10. 末日意识优于《杀人月》的&《潘朵拉指令》十年建设时期经济建设指导方针的两点探析

    Two Points of Analysis of Directive Policy on Economic Construction in Ten Years of Construction

  11. 而在我的幻想中“潘朵拉飓风”将是本杰作,事实上…也是如此

    In my fantasy , Hurricane Pandora Would be brilliant . In reality ... it was .

  12. 潘朵拉,如果说你的希望盒是罪恶之源,那么,就让世间人的泪水添满无尽的黑洞。

    Pandora , if your hope box is source of the evil , that , lets in society human 's tears add completely the inexhaustible black hole .

  13. 当潘朵拉紧张地关上盖子时,劳苦的种子全部从盒子里飞了出来,只有一只叫做「希望」的善良生物被关在里面。

    All the Troubles escaped from the box , but when Pandora let the lid fall so hastily , she shut in one little winged creature , a kind of good fairy whose name was Hope .