
qián fú gǎn rǎn
  • latent infection
  1. 皮肤淋巴瘤与EB病毒潜伏感染的关系及病毒亚型的分析

    Association of Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Infection with Cutanous Lymphoma and Analysis of Virus Subtypes

  2. EBV在NK/T细胞淋巴瘤中的潜伏感染模式不完全一致。

    The latent infection pattern of EBV were inconsistent in NK / T cell lymphomas .

  3. 人巨细胞病毒是一种DNA病毒,在人群中一般呈亚临床感染和潜伏感染。

    Human cytomegalovirus ( HCMV ) is a DNA virus and serious opportunistic pathogen for bath newborn and immunocompromised individuals .

  4. PCR技术检测猪伪狂犬病毒及其潜伏感染部位的研究

    Studies on the Detection of Porcine Pseudorabies Virus and Its Latency Infection Sites Using PCR Technique

  5. 妊娠晚期HPV潜伏感染对阴道炎及妊娠结局的影响

    The Influence of HPV Latent Infection during the Third Trimester of Pregnancy on Vaginitis and Pregnancy Outcome

  6. TK基因对病毒嗜神经性,缺失后有抗潜伏感染的特性。

    TK gene represent philic-nerves and its deletion enhances the ability of anti-latent infection .

  7. 鼻咽癌高发区何杰金病EB病毒DNA及潜伏感染膜蛋白检测的意义

    The significance of detecting Epstein-Barr virus DNA and latent membrane protein I in Hodgkin 's disease from a high incidence area of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  8. 身体与身体美学EB病毒潜伏感染在不同部位T细胞淋巴瘤中的表达

    Expression of Epstein Barr virus latent infection in T cell lymphoma from different site of the body

  9. 结论:EBV阳性胃癌中缺乏潜伏感染膜蛋白LMP1的表达。

    Conclusions : There was no LMP1 expression in EBV positive Gastric carcinoma .

  10. 宫颈炎患者HSV-2潜伏感染状况调查

    Investigation on HSV - 2 Latent Infection in Cervicitis Patients

  11. 结论:CA的复发与非皮损区HPV6,11DNA表达有关,可能存在亚临床感染和潜伏感染;

    Conclusions : The relapse of CA is relevant to the HPV 6,11 DNA expression in uninvolved area , and probably caused by subclinical infection and latent infection .

  12. 目的建立简便易行的单纯疱疹病毒I型(HSV1)潜伏感染动物模型。

    Objective To establish the convenient animal model of herpes simplex virus type-1 ( HSV-1 ) latent infection .

  13. HSV-1可以在体外感染大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞并有形成潜伏感染的趋势。

    HSV-1 can infect rat BMSCs and develop the latent infection in vitro .

  14. 另外,HPV潜伏感染目前临床上尚无有效的诊断方法,而且是复发的主要原因。

    In addition , the latent infection of HPV that is main reason of recurrence has not effective method to diagnose clinically now .

  15. HSV-1在小鼠三叉神经节潜伏感染的研究

    Latency of HSV-1 in Trigeminal Ganglia of Mice

  16. HCMV先天性潜伏感染Balb/c老年小鼠的细胞免疫状态与AD样病理改变的相关性研究

    Relativity Research between Alzheimer 's Disease-like Pathological Change in Brain and Cell Immune Functional State of Aged Balb / c Mouse with HCMV Innate Latent Infection

  17. 在潜伏感染期间,HSV基因为环状,而潜伏的病毒可因多种刺激而激活。

    In the latent period , the HSV genome remains a circular DNA . The latent virus may be reactivated by various stimuli .

  18. HSV-2易经性接触传播,可形成亚临床感染、潜伏感染、复发感染,目前尚无特效药物控制其发生和复发。

    HSV-2 can be transmitted easily through sex . It can form subclinical , latent and recurrent infection .

  19. HSV-2感染患者后,病毒移行至感觉神经节中并在背侧根神经节中形成潜伏感染。

    Following the primary infection , the virus migrates to sensory ganglia and establishes latency in dorsal root ganglia .

  20. 此外,潜伏感染结核菌的重新激活对于其他疾病也是一个高风险因素,尤其是HIV病人以及糖尿病病人(进行抗肿瘤坏死因子治疗的病人)等免疫缺陷的个体[2]。

    The reactivation of latent TB represents high risk for other abnormalities , especially for the patient infected with human immunodeficiency viruses , or with diabetes and other disease need anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy .

  21. 成功构建了HCMV先天潜伏感染再激活小鼠小肠炎模型,病理表现为出血性坏死性肠炎。

    A rat model of enteritis induced by reactivation of congenital latent HCMV infection was successfully established , and its pathological presentations indicate hemorrhagic necrotic enteritis .

  22. HSV-1对人的潜伏感染的时间是非常长的,一般初次感染没有症状。

    The latent period of herpes simplex virus is longer for humans and the primary HSV-1 infection does not usually produce symptoms .

  23. 方法:首先确定建立潜伏感染小鼠的HCMV剂量,再建立HCMV潜伏感染小鼠的模型。

    Methods : Firstly , to determine the dose of HCMV resulting in latent infection in mice , and then establish a model for HCMV latency in mice .

  24. 结论IL-6是一多功能的细胞因子,对于HSV-1潜伏感染的维持以及病毒再激活的发生和病毒的清除都起重要作用。

    Conclusion IL-6 is a multifunction cytokine , which play an important role in the maintaining of latency , inducing of reactivation and cleaning of the virus of HSV-1 .

  25. 中药抗病毒胶囊对RGH患者生存质量的影响及抗HSV-2潜伏感染的实验研究

    The Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Anti-virus Capsule on the Quality of RGH Patients & the Experiment Study on the Latent Infection of HSV-2

  26. 疫苗保护试验进一步证实,双价疫苗明显优于单价疫苗,能显著减少MDV强毒在体内生产性感染和潜伏感染的水平,减少MD的肿瘤发生率。

    Protective test further confirmed that the bivalent vaccine could afford greater protection and reduce more the early replication of very virulent viruses in the lymphoid organs of challenged birds and the level of latent infection .

  27. 目的观察小鼠单纯疱疹病毒I型(HSV-1)脑内潜伏感染时潜伏相关转录子(LAT)在脑组织与三叉神经节(TG)表达的差异,探讨HSV-1脑内潜伏再激活感染的发病机制。

    Objective To investigate the pathogenesis of herpes simplex virus type-1 ( HSV-1 ) latent and reactivated infection in brain in mice through learning the expression of LAT in trigeminal ganglion ( TG ) and brain .

  28. 目的了解我国肠道T细胞淋巴瘤(ITCL)中EB病毒(EBV)潜伏感染的状态、其亚型的感染情况、基因产物表达与EBV阳性细胞的性质。

    Objective To investigate the status of Epstein Barr virus ( EBV ) latent infection , the subtypes of EBV , and the expression of EBV genome in intestinal T cell lymphoma ( ITCL ) .

  29. 方法从确定为HCMV先天性潜伏感染的小鼠及DMEM组小鼠中随机各取6只,分别按照实验设计处死小鼠,无菌取小鼠大脑组织。

    Methods After an aged mouse model was built , 6 mice with congenital HCMV latency and 6 mice from DMEM control group were selected randomly and killed , Then the cerebral cortex were divided into serval portions .

  30. 目的本研究主要探讨在鼻咽恶性淋巴瘤患者中EB病毒的感染情况,以及在EB病毒潜伏感染状态下编码的病毒癌基因产物LMP-1,与鼻咽部发生恶性淋巴瘤的关系。

    Objective In order to investigate the situation of EBV infection in nasopharyngeal lymphoma and in latent state of EBV produce the viral oncogene protein LMP-1 which whether or not has the relationship with this kind of lymphoma .