
zhū liú
  • retention;fail to eliminate a substance from the body
潴留 [zhū liú]
  • [retention] [医]∶指液体在体内不正常地聚集停留

  • 尿潴留

  1. 慢性肾炎患者水钠潴留与PET相关性研究

    Correlation between PET and Retention of Water and Sodium of Chronic Glomerulonephritis

  2. 鼻咽潴留囊肿的MRI诊断

    MRI diagnosis of nasopharynx retention cyst

  3. 门静脉内碘油潴留的CT探讨

    The CT Study of Lipiodol in the Portal Vein after Arterial Embolization

  4. 急性CO2潴留及西地兰对犬膈肌作用观察

    Effects of acute hypercapnia and cedilanid on diaphragmatic functions in dogs

  5. 观察组和对照组的恶心呕吐尿潴留发生率比较差异不显著(P均>0.05)。

    The postoperative nausea and vomiting and postoperative urine retention is inapparent in the observation group than those in the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  6. 慢性二氧化碳潴留大鼠脑GABAA受体mRNA的变化研究

    Effect of chronic hypercapnia on the expression of GABA_A receptor mRNA in brain of rat

  7. 目的:探讨针刺疗法对自控镇痛泵(PCA)引起尿潴留的疗效。

    Objective : To explore accupuncture effect on treating urine retention induced by PCA .

  8. 增高的胰腺压力可干扰神经,影响血流,改变pH值,并引起有毒物质的潴留,激活动作电位。

    Increased pressure may distort nerves , affect blood flow , change pH , and cause retention of noxious substances , initiating action potentials .

  9. A组病人术后尿潴留和低血压明显(P<0.01);而C组病人术后瞌睡、头昏明显(P<0.05);

    Patients in Group A had remarkable uroschesis and hypotension ( P < 0.01 ) while patient in Group C had sleepiness and dizziness ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 继发于支气管和细支气管阻塞的空气潴留可产生局部低衰减带,后者应用呼气相CT可增强其表现。

    Air trapping secondary to bronchial or bronchiolar obstruction may produce focal zones of decreased attenuation , an appearance that can be enhanced by using expiratory CT .

  11. A组恶心、呕吐、尿潴留、嗜睡等发生率较B组高(P<0.01或P<0.05)。

    The incidences of nausea , vomiting , uroschesis and somnolence in group A were higher than that in group B ( P < 0.01 or P < 0.05 ) .

  12. 双肺VD、双肺AR、空气潴留评分值与肺功能试验的结果存在显著性相关。

    VD and AR of bilateral lungs and air trapping score were statistically correlated with PFT results .

  13. 结果:Ⅰ组缺血后15minATP,Pcr波谱信号无法测出,出现严重细胞内酸中毒及钠潴留。

    Results : The myocardium showed intracellular acidosis and sodium accumulation severely in group ⅰ, ATP and Pcr of which being not detected after 15 min of ischemia .

  14. PPH术后尿潴留的原因分析及处理

    The causes analysis and treatments of urinary retention after the operation of PPH

  15. 腹部电针配合TDP治疗中风后尿潴留疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on Abdominal Electroacupuncture Combined TDP for Treatment of Poststroke Urinary Retention

  16. 药物穴位注射预防剖宫产术后PCEA患者尿潴留的临床研究

    Clinical study on prevention of uroschesis in PCEA patients after hysterotokotomy by drug injection therapy

  17. 目的:探讨急性尿潴留对前列腺增生病人血清PSA的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effect of acute urine retention on the Serum PSA level in cases with hyperplasia of prostate .

  18. 结论采用镇痛泵持续镇痛的病人,术后尿管留置时间延长至48h可有效防止尿潴留的发生。

    Conclusion Prolonging the time of indwelling urethral catheter to 48 hours can prevent urinary retention in patients .

  19. 异搏定和环孢菌素A对A2780/ADM有明显的增效作用,可增加ADM在A2780/ADM细胞内的潴留浓度。

    Isoptin and cyclosporin A increased the concentration and the sensitivity of A 2780 / ADM to ADM.

  20. 结论呼气相HRCT上的空气潴留征可以定量分析,能够反映患者的肺功能状况。

    Conclusion Air trapping on expiratory HRCT scan can be quantified and used to assess pulmonary function of the patient .

  21. 目的分析慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者吸气相和呼气相高分辨率CT(HRCT)表现,对呼气相HRCT上的空气潴留征进行定量分析。

    Objective To assess the findings on inspiratory and expiratory lung HRCT in COPD and to quantify the extension of air trapping on expiratory HRCT .

  22. PSC833能增加K562/A02耐药细胞系的DNR潴留。

    PSC 833 could increase DNR retention in K562 / A02 cells .

  23. 因此,适当调整高频喷气治疗的频率和压力对伴有CO2潴留的COPD呼衰,纠正低氧血症,仍然安全有效。

    Therefore by careful adjustment of the frequency and pressure , HFJV is still effcctive in the treatment of respiratory failure caused by COPD with CO2 retention .

  24. 与其他组织相比,肿瘤组织中HpD代谢速度最缓慢,说明其对HpD的潴留能力。

    In comparison with other tissues , metabolic velocity of HpD was the lowest in tumor tissue .

  25. 气体潴留指数(Ati)。

    The air trapping index ( Ati ) .

  26. 结论肝素可以阻断AGE与其单核细胞表面AGE受体的结合,从而干扰体内AGE的清除,可能是造成血透病人体内AGE潴留的原因之一。

    Conclusion Heparin blocks the binding of AGE to its receptors on monocytes and may therefore interrupt the clearance and degradation of AGE . This may be one of the mechanisms by which AGE accumulation occurs in patients with hemodialysis .

  27. 结果观察组患者并发症(尿潴留、下肢静脉血栓)、入睡困难者明显少于对照组,经χ2检验p值均<0.01,差异有显著性;

    Results The patients with complications ( uroschesis , phlebothrombosis in the veins of lower extremity ) and difficulty falling asleep of the survey group were significant fewer to the control group , and the p < 0.01 by chi-squire test .

  28. 结果25例癌痛患者镇痛效果均为显效,其中19例为A级,6例为B级的效果,未见明显呼吸抑制、尿潴留及呕吐等副作用,无硬膜外间隙感染。

    Results Good effects were achieved in all 25 cases , of which 19 cases were degree A , 6 cases degree B.There were no side-effects such as respiratory depression , retention of urine , vomiting and epidural space infection .

  29. AG增高提示体内存在酸潴留,治疗应以补充足够的液体量和能量为主,以促进酸性代谢产物从体内排泄,减少有机酸的生成。

    For treatment , sufficient fluid and energy replacement should be given to promote the excretion of acid metabolites from the body and re - duce the formation of organic acid .

  30. 结论:高频部分液体通气与单纯高频喷射通气相比,更有利于动脉血氧合,但也有轻度CO2潴留现象。

    Conclusions : Oxygenation with high frequency partial liquid ventilation is better than that with high frequency jet ventilation alone , however the former also has disadvantage of retention of CO 2 .
