
chéng hǎi
  • Chenghai;Mare Serenitatis
澄海[chéng hǎi]
  1. 部落的敌人澄海3c地图下载受死吧!

    Death to the enemies of the Horde !

  2. 中国移动汕头公司与澄海玩具协会携手合作玩具通首创玩具业手机WAP信息平台

    China mobile Shantou branch and Chenghai toy association hand in hand Toys baby first build cell phone WAP information platform for toy industry

  3. 可能的副作用包括口干舌燥、恶心、呕吐、积水、澄海3c无限技能蓝阵痛、幻觉、痴呆、精神病、昏迷、死亡和口臭。

    Side affects may include dry mouth , nausea , vomiting , water retention , painful rectal itch , hallucination , dementia , ychosis , coma , death and halitosis .

  4. 澄海置县始于嘉靖四十二年(公元1563年)。

    Chenghai County home began in1953 Jiajing ( 1563 AD ) .

  5. 澄海成广东创建区域国际品牌试点地区

    Chenghai became Guangdong experiment area to found the region international brand

  6. 第九届澄海玩具博览会4月21日隆重开幕

    The ninth Chenghai toys and gifts fair open on April 21

  7. 澄海区水资源管理初探

    Study on the Management of Water Resources in Chenghai District

  8. 广东澄海市4-12岁儿童睡眠习惯及其影响因素

    The Sleep Habits of Children 4 to 12 Years Old in Guangdong

  9. 从澄海玩博会看玩具企业的收缩与扩张

    View toy enterprises ' scale adjustment from Chenghai toy fair

  10. 东莞、澄海先后举行中美玩具研讨会

    Dongguan , Chenghai held the proseminar on Sino-American toys successively

  11. 国道324线澄海外砂大桥改建工程T梁的吊装

    Hoisting of T-shaped Beam of Bridge in 324 National Road

  12. 汕头市澄海区水资源保护与可持续利用的对策

    Shantou City Chenghai District Water Resource Protection and Sustainable Utilization

  13. 澄海县麻风疫点村的分析

    Analysis of Villages with Leprosy Patients in an Endemic Area

  14. 澄海市东部水厂水资源论证报告

    The Demonstration Report of Water Resource of Eastern Chenghai City Water Supply Works

  15. 国家火炬计划看中澄海成为国内唯一的智能玩具创意设计与制造产业基地

    National Torch Plan Settles on Chenghai as Creative and Manufacturing Base for Intellectual Toys

  16. 浅谈堤坝白蚁防治技术在澄海江堤的应用

    Termite Prevention Technique Applied in Chenghai River Levee

  17. 广东省澄海市4~12岁儿童睡眠紊乱现况调查

    Sleep disturbance among children aged 4-12 years old in Chenghai city of Guangdong province

  18. 奥迪:从澄海走向世界的玩具企业典型代表

    Auldey : a typical representative of toy enterprises marching out of Chenghai to the world

  19. 澄海玩博会之二:澄海玩博会的明星企业

    Star enterprises in Chenghai Toy Fair

  20. 产品多样性、集群的联盟营销和团体营销&以汕头澄海见客制营销模式为例

    Product Diversification , Alliance Marketing and Team Marketing of Cluster & Representative Model of Shantou Chenghai

  21. 汕头市澄海区2型糖尿病患者服药依从性调查

    Survey on the drug compliance of type 2 diabetic patients in Chenghai district of Shantou city

  22. 2004年1月16日汕头澄海ML4.2级地震活动与应急

    Characters of the M_L4.2 Earthquake in Chenghai , Shantou on Jan. 16 , 2004 and Its Emergency Response

  23. 林圣扬博士为著名现代抽象艺术家,原籍广东澄海。

    An ancestral native of Chenghai , Guangdong , Professor Lin Shengyang was a famous modern abstract artist .

  24. 国道324线澄海外砂大桥工程属旧桥改建,行车干扰大,且预制场地狭小,严重影响和制约T梁的吊装施工。

    The T-shaped beam hoisting is influenced and restricted because of traffic flow disturb and narrow prefabricating site .

  25. 由广东群兴玩具实业有限公司作为主发起人发起设立的“澄海兴信小额贷款股份有限公司”正式挂牌开业。

    It is a good news that the sponsor of Guangdong Qunxing Toys Industrial Company set Chenghai Xingxin Small Loan Corporation .

  26. 汕头市澄海区东繁玩具厂是集玩具开发、生产、贸易为一体的综合型进出口企业之一。

    Chenghai District of Shantou City is an integrated enterprise in East prosperity which includes development , production , import and export trading .

  27. 结果澄海市3次流行病学调查结果显示,原发性痛风患病率分别为017%、015%和026%,北京调查未发现痛风患者。

    Result The prevalence of primary gout in Chenghai surveys was 0 17 % , 0 15 % and 0 26 % respectively ;

  28. 周粲,原名周国灿,广东省澄海县人,现为新加坡公民。

    Zhou Can , whose original name is Zhou Guocan , was from Cheng Hai , Guangdong Province and is a citizen of Singapore .

  29. 日前,澄海荣获广东省文化厅颁发的“广东动漫(玩具)创业产业集群”,澄海再次成为焦点。

    At present , Chenghai has got the title of Guangdong Animation & Toys Industrial Cluster for Carving Out , which became a focus again .

  30. 广东省汕头市澄海区环奇塑料玩具有限公司座落于美丽的南方海滨城市号称中国玩具之都澄海。

    Guangdong Province Shantou tap District plastic toys Central Bank of the South Waterfront Limited located in the beautiful city of many Chinese toys are tap .