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  • Peng;spatter;splash
  • 〔~湃〕a.形容波涛撞击,如“奔腾~~”;b.喻声势浩大,气势雄伟,如“热情~~的诗篇”。

  • 溅:~了一身水。


(溅) splash; spatter:

  • 汽车开过时澎了我们一身泥。

    The car spattered us with mud as it passed.

  • 水从桶里澎出来, 落在地板上。

    The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor.

  1. 水从桶里澎出来,落在地板上。

    The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor .

  2. 汽车开过时澎了我们一身泥。

    The car spattered us with mud as it passed .

  3. LAS对澎泽鲫鳃及肝脏ATPase和SOD活性的影响

    Effects of LAS on the Activities of ATPase and SOD in the Gill and Liver of Carassius auratus

  4. 用热澎胀仅测定磷酸铜无机胶和加入10%的Al2O3、Cr2O3填料的两种磷酸铜无机胶的线膨胀系数。

    The linear expansion coefficient of two kinds of inorganic adhesives , copper phosphate adhesive and the same adhesive added 10 % Al_2O_3 , Cr_2O_3 as filler has been measured with thermo-expansion device .

  5. 在诺第留斯号周围,海水汹涌湃澎,翻滚沸腾。

    Around the Nautilus the sea was boiling furiously .

  6. 呯,澎,碰!互动敲击乐表演工作坊。

    Bing , Bang , Bong ! - Interactive Percussion Performance & Workshop .

  7. 二是在广义竞争关系下,特许人虚假描澎于为是不正当竞争行为。

    Part III focuses on the relationship between franchising and anti-unfair competition act .

  8. 他轻扬球帽,回应澎派的喝采。

    And when , responding to the cheers , he lightly doffed his hat .

  9. 她在斯澎的冰淇淋店工作。

    She 's at spoon 's icecream parlour .

  10. 龚澎的人格魅力&美与革命完美结合的典型

    On Gong Peng 's Personal Charms-Personification of the Unity of Beauty and A Revolutionary

  11. 九江&澎泽一带沙山研究存在问题探讨

    Discussion of existing problems on the research of the sand hill from Jiujiang to Pengze

  12. 三峡水库蓄水后澎溪河消落带植物群落格局及多样性

    Pattern and Biodiversity of Plant Community in Water-Level-Fluctuation Zone of Pengxi River After Impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir

  13. 水桶顶端用橡皮膜密封,橡皮膜在压力作用下澎胀。

    The top of bucket is sealed with rubber membrane , and the rubber memberane inflated at a pressure .

  14. 关于税收司法权,由于学界对此研究颇少,本文主要澎退了我国的税收争讼法律制度。

    Part IV : In regard to tax judicial power , since lacking of research on that , this thesis mainly discusses Chinese tax litigation system .

  15. 结果鼠类和地里纤恙螨分离阳性率,南澳岛分别达2609%和40%,南澎列岛平均为3375%和75%;

    Results The rate of isolation of Nan ao was 26.09 % and 40 % respectively , Nan Peng Lie island was 33.75 % and 75 % ;

  16. 进而,针对其不足,阐明了非线性研究视角转向的可能性和现实性,并求华才尝颐星早蓉灵“孕汹久琴磁题”劣淤鳍逻澎尹对非线性解释进行了哲学分析。

    With regard to its deficiencies , it further explains the possibility and feasibility of nonlinear study upon the problem and makes a philosophical analysis of the nonlinear explanation .

  17. 明月坝遗址位于长江北恻支流澎溪河南岸的明月坝台地上,属重庆市云阳县高阳镇走马村。

    This site is located at the tableland of Mingyue dam , southern bank of Pengxi River , northern Changjiang River , and belongs to Zouma Village , Gaoyang Town , Yunyang Town of Chongqing City .

  18. 首先对我国合同法统一之前的三部合同法澎示检讨,《经济合同法》对合同解除缺乏应有的限制,忽视合同法鼓励交易的功能;

    First the paper self-criticisms three contract laws before the Contract Law of China came into force . The Economical Contract Law lacks restrictions on the rescission of contract and neglects function of the contract law as promoting transactions .

  19. 今天,台、澎、金、马的两千三百多万人民所拥有的政治、经济成果,同样不是凭空而来,而是靠著一代一代的努力、一点一滴的累积。

    Likewise , the political and economic achievements of the23 million people of taiwan , penghu , Kinmen and Matsu today did not suddenly fall from the sky , but result from the accumulation of the relentless efforts made generation after generation .