
  1. 目的探讨CT骨扫描与快速成形机之间的数字化信息转换,应用CT-激光快速成形技术制造胫骨平台骨折纸质模型,供临床研究。

    Objective To discuss the conversion of digital information between CT and rapid prototyping machine applying CT rapid prototyping machine to build a paper model of tibial platform broken for clinical treatment .

  2. 激光快速成形技术是80年代发展起来的一种崭新制造技术,它是CAD/CAM,CNC,激光技术和材料科学等众多技术的集成,能够根据CAD零件模型,直接制造出三维实体零件或者原型。

    Laser Sintering is one of Rapid Prototyping that is a new manufacturing technology with combining all the new achievements in computer , materials and laser and machine manufacturing science and technology . It can fabricate parts directly according to CAD models of parts .

  3. 通过合理控制松装密度、添加适量稀土元素以及优化工艺参数,在特定的应用需求下,低成本HDH钛合金粉末能够代替昂贵的球形粉末在激光快速成形技术中使用。

    By controlling the processing parameters , loose density of the powders and adding element Nd in proper quantities , low cost HDH titanium alloy powders can be used instead of expensive sphere powders in some conditions .

  4. 激光快速成形技术制造全口义齿钛基托

    Titanium Base of Complete Denture Fabricated with Laser Rapid Forming

  5. 面向21世纪的激光快速成形技术

    The Laser Rapid Prototyping Technology towards the 21st Century

  6. 利用激光快速成形技术制造高温合金不锈钢梯度材料

    Functionally Gradient Materials Prepared with Laser Rapid Forming

  7. 高性能/梯度性能钛合金及高温合金结构件激光快速成形技术。

    Laser rapid forming of high performance / functionally graded titanium and superalloys components .

  8. 激光快速成形技术的发展及其在功能梯度材料制备上的应用

    The Development of Laser Direct Metal Deposition and Its Application in Fabricating Functional Gradient Material

  9. 基于激光快速成形技术的快速工/模具制造

    Rapid Prototyping based Rapid Tooling

  10. 裂纹控制技术是镍基合金激光快速成形技术广泛应用和进一步工业化的关键。

    Cracking control technology is one of the bottlenecks retarding the wide application and further industrialization of laser rapid forming nickel based alloys .

  11. 介绍了薄材叠层和粉末烧结激光快速成形技术和精密铸造相结合,快速制作铸件的过程和工艺。

    The process of rapid manufacturing cast parts , which combines laminated object manufacturing ( LOM ) and selective laser sintering ( SLS ) with precision casting , is introduced .

  12. 钛合金激光快速成形技术具有加工周期短,制造成本低,成形与组织性能控制一体化等优点,具有广阔的应用前景。

    Laser rapid forming of titanium and titanium alloys was a promising manufacturing technology because it had several advantages , such as low cost , short lead times and excellent properties .

  13. 激光快速成形技术制备Al/SiC复合材料在工艺上存在许多难点,这是由Al/SiC复合粉末的特性及激光加工的特点所决定的。

    Many difficulties exist in preparation of Al / SiC composite by laser direct deposition , which is determined with the characteristic of mixed Al / SiC powder and the peculiarity of the laser process .

  14. 激光快速成形技术综合快速原型技术与激光熔覆技术的优点,能够实现高性能复杂结构致密金属零件的快速无模近终形制造。

    While Laser Rapid Forming is a new prospective technology for making superalloy parts with high properties , which integrates Rapid prototyping with Laser cladding , and can realize the near net shaping of dense metal parts with complex structures and high properties .

  15. 激光快速成形技术是在激光熔覆技术及快速原型技术的基础上发展起来的一项新的先进的制造技术,能够实现高性能致密金属零件的快速无模近终形制造。

    Rapid Laser Forming ( RLF ) was a new and advanced manufacture technology which has been developed on the base of combining high-power laser cladding technology with rapid prototyping to realize net shape forming of high performance dense metal components without dies .

  16. 激光快速成形制造技术的应用研究进展

    Recent Advances of Application Research in Laser Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing

  17. 研究了激光烧结快速成形技术制备金属原型零件的渗铜烧结处理工艺。

    Infiltrating copper sintering process with laser was researched .

  18. 特种粉末选择性激光烧结快速成形技术

    Selective laser sintering & A kind of rapid prototyping technology based on special powders

  19. 送粉系统是激光金属快速成形技术中的关键技术。送粉系统主要由同步送粉器、同轴送粉喷嘴、混粉器以及分粉器四部分组成。

    Powder feeding system is the key of laser rapid prototyping technique , which include synchronous powder feeder , nozzle for Laser coaxial feed powder , powder mixer and powder segregator .

  20. 激光金属快速成形技术以其独特的优势从一开始就受到国内外学者的高度重视,目前该技术已成为激光加工领域研究的热点问题。

    Laser rapid prototyping technology has been payed high attention by home and abroad scholars from the very beginning since its unique advantage . At present , it has become a hot issue in the field of laser processing .

  21. 激光固化快速成形技术是上世纪80年代后期发展起来的一种新型制造技术,它高度集成了数控技术、CAD/CAM、计算机、激光技术及材料科学与工程等多学科的最新成果。

    Stereolithography ( SL ) technique is one kind of manufacture which emerged in the late 1980 ' s. which highly integrate the up-to-the-minute results of many subjects in numerical control , CAD / CAM , computer , laser and material science and engineer .

  22. 在选择性激光粉末烧结快速成形技术中,工艺方法和参数的选择是否合理,都会严重的影响制件的质量,这些工艺方法和参数主要包括SLS的扫描特性、预热装置以及工艺参数的合理选取。

    In the Selective Laser Sintering rapid prototyping , the process methods and parameters will seriously affect the quality of parts , these process parameters include the scanning characteristics of the SLS , the preheat device and the optimization of process parameters .

  23. 激光快速成形与制造技术及在汽车工业中的应用

    Rapid Laser Forming and Manufacturing Technology and Its Application in Automobile Industry

  24. 镍基合金激光快速成形裂纹控制技术

    The Cracking Control Technology of Laser Rapid Forming Nickel-Based Alloys

  25. 激光熔覆快速成形技术送粉喷嘴的研制

    Develop of feeding nozzle for laser cladding rapid prototyping

  26. 文章介绍了一种基于激光扫描和快速成形技术制作假体的方法。

    An integrated method of laser scanner and rapid prototyping technology for prosthesis fabrication is presented in this paper .

  27. 激光熔覆快速成形技术集激光技术、计算机技术、数控技术、传感器技术及材料加工技术于一体,是一门多学科交叉的边缘学科和新兴的先进制造技术。

    Laser cladding rapid prototyping is a multidisciplinary frontier subject and an emerging advanced manufacturing technology , which integrates laser technology , computer technology , numerical control technology , sensor technology and material processing technology .

  28. 激光熔覆快速成形技术融合了快速成形技术和激光熔覆技术,成为目前先进制造技术的一个重要研究方向。

    Laser cladding rapid prototyping is a new and advanced manufacturing technology that has been developed on the basis of combining laser cladding technology with rapid prototyping technology , and has become an important researching direction in the advanced manufacturing technology .

  29. 激光选区粉末烧结快速成形技术在精密铸造中的应用

    Application of Laser Sinter Rapid Forming in Precision Casting

  30. 激光诱导化学沉积快速成形技术

    Laser & induced Chemical Deposition Rapid Prototyping Technique