
jī ɡuānɡ wǔ qì
  • laser weapons
  1. 从战略防御转向战区防御的激光武器

    The laser weapons of shifting from strategic defense to theatre defense

  2. 大气散射对激光武器系统作战效能的影响及对策

    Effects of atmospheric scatter on laser weapons system and Countermeasures

  3. 本文中首先评述了美国的高能激光武器计划和最新的发展。

    This article reviews American high energy laser weapon programs and recent developments .

  4. 机载激光武器(ABL)是拦截处于助推段弹道导弹的激光武器。

    The airborne laser ( ABL ) is planned for intercepting ballistic missiles in the boost phase .

  5. 叙述了某型机载激光武器(ABL)的作战方案、杀伤威力及其对弹道导弹的威胁。

    The article introduces the action-scheme , execution of the airborne laser weapon ( ABL ) and its threat to a ballistic missile .

  6. 机载激光武器(ABL)的发展是定向能武器技术中最不寻常的成就之一。

    The development of the Airborne Laser ( ABL ) is one of the most extraordinary achievements in the technology of directed energy weapon .

  7. 本文重点介绍了美国SDI计划中天基化学激光武器的研究现状、存在的主要问题及发展前景。

    Research status , key issues and prospect of space-based chemical laser weapon in SDI in The Uuited States are introduced .

  8. 此外,东京航天咨询机构NexialResearch的主席LanceGatling称中国人已经在研究陆基激光武器用以击落卫星的太阳能板,而且还在研发一种装备有抓钩手臂的卫星,该种卫星可绕轨道运行,利用手臂瘫痪美国昂贵的卫星设备。

    Inaddition , says Lance Gatling , president of Nexial Research , an aerospaceconsultant in Tokyo , the Chinese have studied ground-based lasers that couldtake down a satellite 's solar panels , and satellites equipped with grapplingarms that could co-orbit and then disable expensive U.S. hardware .

  9. 文中分析了空军和导弹防御组织(BMDO)发展天基激光武器(SBL)所采取的现行技术途径以及为使实战SBL系统投入战场使用所必需的技术需求。

    This paper analyzes the current approach being taken by the Air Force and Ballistic Missile Defense Organization ( BMDO ) to develop the Space Based Laser ( SBL ) and the projected technology needs necessary to field an operational SBL weapon system .

  10. 航母激光武器对抗来袭导弹的技术研究

    Research on Technology of Aircraft Carrier Laser Weapon Countering Raid Missile

  11. 激光武器及其在防空防天体系中的作用

    Research on laser weapon technology in air and space defense system

  12. 高能激光武器系统中的光束质量评价及应用

    Evaluation and Application of High Energy Laser Weapon System Beam Quality

  13. 软杀伤战术激光武器及作用机理的研究

    Research on soft - killing tactical laser weapon and its mechanism

  14. 高能激光武器的杀伤机理及主要特性分析

    Analysis on Kill Mechanism and Characteristics of High Energy Laser Weapon

  15. 高能激光武器反战术导弹的技术分析

    Technical analyses using high laser weapon against tactical ballistic missile

  16. 高能激光武器的发展及卫星激光防护膜的研究

    Development of High Energy Laser Weapon and Research of Laser Protective Coatings

  17. 激光武器模拟器阈值光斑的空间分布

    Space distribution of threshold beam spot of laser weapon simulators

  18. 分析了激光武器系统对侦察卫星识别和辨识能力的威胁;

    The paper analyzes anti-satellite capability of laser weapon system .

  19. 战术激光武器系统若干关键技术分析及发展研究

    Key Technology Analyse And Develop Researching of the Tactical Laser Weapon System

  20. 三种激光武器作战目标的特性分析

    Target Trait Analyses of Three Laser Weapon 's Battle Targets

  21. 自适应光学在固体战术激光武器中的应用

    Application of Adaptive Optics in State Tactical Laser Weapon System

  22. 战术高能激光武器的发展现状和未来

    The Present Status and Future of the Tactical Laser Weapons

  23. 美国高能激光武器的发展及其面临的挑战(下篇)

    Developments and challenges for American high-energy laser weapons ( Part 2 )

  24. 应用于非致命激光武器的发射系统研究

    Research on Launch System Applies to Non-Lethal Laser Weapons Abstract

  25. 天基激光武器在弹道导弹防御中的作战性能分析

    The Operation Capability Analysis of Space-based Lasers Weapon for Ballistic Missile Defense

  26. 新概念高能激光武器的研究与发展已有四十多年的历史。

    On tracking & pointing accuracy requirement of high energy laser weapon ;

  27. 美国机载激光武器及其关键技术

    United States airborne laser weapon and its key technology

  28. 本文介绍了美国机载激光武器发展现状。

    In the paper we introduce the state-of-art in the America ABL development .

  29. 美国海军舰载激光武器研发进展与趋势

    Developments and Trends of US Naval Shipborne Laser Weapons

  30. 空间激光武器网在弹道导弹防御中的应用

    Application of space-based lasers constellations for ballistic missile defense