
  • 网络wavelength;Laser Wavelength
  1. 由于势能面交叉几率随激光波长的增加有增大的趋势,我们推测势能面的交叉区域应靠近解离通道的出口。

    The curve crossing probability rises gradually with the wavelength , suggesting that the conical intersection be located close to the exit channel .

  2. 利用F-P标准具组实时测量被动入射激光波长

    Study on the real-time measurement of passive incident laser wavelength with F-P interferometers

  3. 锌的类氖离子X射线激光波长计算

    Calculation of X Ray Laser wavelength for Ne Like Zn Ion

  4. 作为激光波长函数的Actionspectrum显示出明显的峰,对应于络合物的跃迁。

    Action spectrum as a function of photolysis laser wavelength shows appearance peaks relevant to transitions of complex .

  5. TEACO2激光波长与功率密度对于气相合成SiC超细粉的影响

    The influences of TEA CO 2 laser wavelength and power densities on vapour synthesis of SiC ultrafine powders

  6. 利用线阵CCD实现宽波段、大视场短脉冲激光波长的远场测量

    The Far Measurement of Wide Band and Large Field Short Pulse Laser Wavelength by Using Linear CCD

  7. 激光波长对SOI激光结晶机理的影响

    Effect of laser wavelength on laser crystallization mechanism of a-Si SOI

  8. 并且计算和分析了激光波长λ、小球折射率n和小球吸收参数AB等各种参数对于球形微粒在激光光镊中所受激光光压力的影响。

    We also discuss the effects of some parameters , especially absorbance on the laser radiation pressure on dielectric sphere in laser tweezer .

  9. 采用集成有检波器件的LD组件,设计了高精度的激光波长稳定系统。

    An ultrahigh wavelength stabilization was designed by adopting a new integrated semiconductor LD module with a wavelength-monitor .

  10. 不同激光波长对KDP晶体损伤的研究

    Research on laser-induced damage in KDP crystals at different wavelengths

  11. S2激光器产生的蓝&绿激光波长范围为430-520nm。

    The wavelength range of the S_2 laser is 430 - 520 nm .

  12. F-P标准具激光波长测量系统

    Laser wavelength meter with F - P etalon

  13. 结果表明,偏振度主要受激光波长,初始偏振度以及x轴和y轴上相关长度的影响。

    The results show that degree of polarization is mainly affected by laser wavelength , the initial degree of polarization , the correlation length of x-axis and y-axis .

  14. 分别研究了分布函数的幂指数ξ、海水悬浮粒子的折射率n以及入射激光波长λ对海水悬浮粒子归一化体散射函数的影响,并对结果进行了分析。

    Influences of the ξ parameter , of the index of the suspended particles and of laser wavelength on the normalized scattering function are respectively studied , and the calculated results are analysed .

  15. 介绍了一种利用线阵CCD实现宽波段、大视场脉冲激光波长及方向远场测量的原理和实验装置;

    The principle and experimental unit for wide band , large field pulsed laser wavelength and oriented far field measurement by using linear array CCD are presented in the paper .

  16. Fizeau激光波长计测量脉冲激光波长

    The Method of Measuring Pulse Laser with Fizeau Laser Wavemeter

  17. 在保证频谱分辨率不变的情况下,通过减少参与FFT运算的点数来缩短运算时间,提高激光波长测量装置的反应速度。

    Under the condition of unchanging the spectrum resolution , the latency of the laser wavelength measurement system is improved by reducing the samples of FFT operation .

  18. 采用斐索(Fizeau)激光波长计进行激光强度稳定性的测量

    The Measurement for Laser Intensity Stability with Fizeau Wavemeter

  19. 激光波长是限制DVD记录密度提高的关键因素,研制短波长激光器是超高密度DVD用光源的重要发展方向。

    DVD recorded density is mainly limited by laser wavelength , It is important to study short wavelength laser for super high density DVD system .

  20. He-Ne激光波长的测量实验结果表明,采用该方案能够缩短测量时间,提高测量精度。

    Due to the result of the wavelength measurement for He-Ne , this scheme is useful for reducing the measurement time and improving the precision .

  21. 当入射的激光波长位于红外系统响应波段外时,激光对系统的破坏首先是激光对DLC薄膜的破坏。

    When the incident laser 's wavelength lies outside the infrared system response wave band , laser destroys the DLC films firstly .

  22. 通过理论分析和实验的方法找到最佳的入射激光波长,设计了表面粗糙度参数Ra测量分系统和每英寸波峰数PPI测量分系统。

    Through the theoretical and test result analysis , the optimal laser incidence wavelength was found , and the measuring subsystems of R_a and PPI were designed .

  23. 从理论上分析了利用F-P标准具实时测量激光波长中的能量及信噪比,提供了实验的图象处理阶段照片及数据处理结果,从能量角度对实验结果进行了讨论。

    This paper analyses the energy and signal noise ratio ( SNR ) with F-P interferometer to measure laser wavelength in real time in terms of theory , gives the photo and data results from the experiment and discusses the energy and SNR of the experiment .

  24. 其次,依据大气光学中的Mie散射理论,对探测云层的激光波长进行了定量的分析,并给出了最优的激光波长;

    In Chapter Three , we quantitatively analyze wavelength of laser that detect cloud layer , and have found optimum laser wavelength value according to Mie scattering theory in atmospheric optics .

  25. 指出对于SiO2-TiO2凝胶玻璃涂层,即使TiO2含量高达80%,其对CO2激光波长(10.6μm)的IR反射率值仍很低。

    It is shown that the IR reflectivity of SiO 2 TiO 2 gel glass coating was very low at the wavelength of CO 2 laser ( 10.6 μ m ) although the content of TiO 2 was as high as 80 % .

  26. 研制了一套基于微机控制的BRDF测量系统,激光波长覆盖了可见光到红外线的0.6328μm,1.34μm,3.39μm和10.6μm波段。

    A set of system based on personal computer for BRDF measurement was developed , whose laser wavelengths cover 0.6328 μ n , 1.34 μ m , 3.39 μ m and 10.6 μ m from visible to infrared .

  27. 仿真与实验结果共同表明,这种波长可调谐光纤激光器能够以较小的光栅反射腔镜的波长调谐量获得较大的输出激光波长调谐量,实现波长在符合ITU-T波长的间隔上进行准连续调节。

    The experiment results show that this kind of wavelength tunable fiber laser can obtain a large wavelength tuning range by tuning sampled Bragg gratings slightly . The laser can be tuned quasi-continuously to correspond with wavelengths of ITU-T grid .

  28. 实验证实耦合器的输出耦合比选为某一个最佳值70%,当980nm泵光工作电流为50mA时,其输出功率达3.5mw,且输出激光波长与作为反射镜的光纤光栅中心波长相同。

    It was demonstrated that the output power was maximum , when output coupler ratio of the coupler was seventy percent .

  29. 利用InGaAs可饱和吸收镜实现调Q输出时,斜率效率为3.0%,激光波长为1058nm。

    For the Q-switched output , the laser operated at ( 1058 nm ) with an InGaAs semiconductor saturable absorber mirror ( SESAM ) . The Q-switched output slope efficiency of ( 3.0 % ) with the maximum absorbed pump power of ( 1.73 W ) was also obtained .

  30. 激光波长532nm,功率密度为100mW/cm2,能量密度100J/cm2。测量治疗前后瘤体大小,7d后取材进行病理组织学检查。

    The energy density of 532 nm laser was 100 J / cm2 with power density 100 mW / cm2 . The cancers were measured before and after treatment , and taken for pathology 7 d later .