- Grouting period;pustulation period

SRI could effectively delay the senescence of rice leaves , which was very important to improve the quality of group at the later growth stage and strengthen the ability of photosynthesis of kernel at pustulation period .
Source sink Regulation of Assimilates from Functional Leaves During Grain Filling Stage in Spring Wheat
Assimilation and Allocation of 14 C during Grain Formation Stage in Two Wheat Cultivars as Regulated by Nitrogen and Sink Removal
Under water stress condition , SOD and POD activity enhanced before flowering stage .
~ ( 14 ) c - tracer study on photosynthetic rate and transference and distribution of the assimilatory substances during the flowering and filling periods in different wheat varieties
The chlorophyll content , photosynthetic rate , and activities of CAT and SOD in caryopses decrease gradually during the rice grain filling .
Effect and Mechanism of IAA to Starch Accumulation in Grain During Grain-filling Stage in Spring Maize
Based on surface area , dynamic variation tendency of size distribution was similar to that based on volume , and the population of B-type and C-type starch granules was major component .
In Jointing and filling stages , PAHs and PCBs showed the same law : leaf stem root ear .
Effects of Foliage Spray with 6-BA During Filling Stage on Some Physiological Indexes of Sugar Maize
Compared to the CK treatment , irrigation increased the metabolic activity of soluble sugar and sucrose of Super-high-yield wheat at filling stage .
Non-photochemical quenching in filling stage was lower than flowering phase .
Physiological changes of wheat under the dry-hot-wind condition ⅱ . effect of dry-hot-wind on the ~ ( 14 ) co_2-assimilation and accumulation of ~ ( 14 ) c-assimilates during grain filling period in Wheat
A small plant stand had higher canopy photosynthetic rate , higher dry matter accumulation rate , larger LAD value and longer active grain-filling duration .
The diurnal variation of instantaneous carbon dioxide flux and the relationship between it and components of farmland energy balance during grain filling stage of winter wheat by eddy correlation technique were studied .
The experiment results showed : wheats treated by 0 322mg · m - 3 SO 2 appeared injury symptoms from the turning green stage to the milking stage .
The largest values of the LAI and the photosynthetic rate appeared in spinning stage , but the largest values of the LAD appeared in grain-filling stage .
The average daily CO2 flux at different growing stages followed the order of : jointing and booting > reviving > erecting > heading > ripening > grain-filling > seedling and tillering > wintering period .
The results show the peak of TTC deoxidizing ability and exudates intensity in the booting stage , and of SOD activity between the full heading and milk ripening stage is occurs ;
Pot cultivation experiments in greenhouse were conducted to study the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on the diurnal variations of flavonoids in wheat leaves during grain filling stage .
Effect of DS-10 on Physiological Index of Photosynthesis of Wheat in the Filling Period
The experimental results showed that the contents of chlorophyll and carotenoid , the proportion of opened PS II reaction center from the mature leaves at jointing stage and the mature flag leaves at grouting stage were raised with CO2 enrichment .
There were no significant differences before silking stage , and there were significant differences after filling stage , and each treatment reached the hightest value in maturity . CK increased 19.76 % compared to T1 .
Contents of total soluble sugars and sucrose in grain decreased during grain filling stag , soluble sugar contents were closely related with grain starch accumulation and grain weight .
When latitudes remained unchanged , each increment of 100 m in altitudes made the grain filling period 1.33 ± 0.149 d longer , and 1000 kernel weight , palnt height and ear height were not significantly increased .
The total weight of dry root in 0-200 cm soil layer reached its maximum at the grain filling stage and then began to decrease .
Under E-O3 treatment , grain filling period was shortened , the average filling rate decreased , and 1000 grain weight decreased , which was the main factor resulting in the decrease of grain yield . 2 .
At the same time , the value of SPAD in flag leaf was kept highness in the treatment of T3 during grain filling , and which increased photosynthetic rate of flag leaf in post-anthesis of wheat .
All these results show that the interaction of Aegilops crassa 6x cytoplasm and common wheat nucleus can be expressed by relative activity of isoenzymes in flag leaves at filling stage .
Significant stimulation of CO 2 enrichment on CH 4 emission was found in the tillering , panicle initiation , booting , grain filling and maturity stages with the CH 4 emission increments of 253 % , 288 % , 273 % and 157 % , respectively .