
huǒ mào
  • detonating cap;percussion cap;cap
火帽 [huǒ mào]
  • [percussion cap] 盛放爆炸品用来引爆其它炸药的纸或金属容器

火帽[huǒ mào]
  1. 静态测试对HZ-2火帽的可靠性和安全性的估计都是较保守的。

    The estimations resulting from static test is conservative concerning the reliability and safety of an HZ-2 cap .

  2. 静电放电对105电火帽发火时间性能可靠性影响的实验研究

    Testing Study in Effect of ESD to Fire Time Reliability of 105 Electric Fire Cap

  3. 针刺延期火帽的设计技术

    The Key Technology in the Design of Stab Initiated Delay Primer

  4. 深孔黄铜火帽壳体的冷挤压成形研究

    Research on cold extrusion of primer body made of Brass

  5. 提高撞击火帽发火感度与可靠性的有效途径

    Effective Way to Improve the Ignition Sensitivity and Reliability of Percussion Primer

  6. 105电火帽的真实静电感度测试

    Real Electrostatic Sensitivity Tests for 105 Electric Primers