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  1. 我好热好像皮肤着了火一样真的吗

    I 'm hot . It 's like my skin is on fire.Really ?

  2. 其中一位向她的同事说:你知道吧,于下这挡事的火才真的需要协助呀。

    One remarked to her colleague : You know the person that did this really needs help .

  3. 这么冷的天回家后有温暖的火烤真是太妙了。

    It 's wonderful to come home to a nice warm fire in such a cold day .

  4. 其中一位向她的同事说:“你知道吧,于下这挡事的火才真的需要协助呀。”

    One remarked to her colleague : " You know the person that did this really needs help . "

  5. 他从火中救出小孩真是勇敢呀。

    It was courageous of him to save the child from the fire .

  6. 他从火里逃生,真是幸运。

    What a mercy he escaped the fire !

  7. 犀牛见到火就踏是真的吗?

    Ls it true that when a rhino sees a fire , he stamps it out ?

  8. 他冲进大楼用自己的夹克衫把火扑灭了,真是太勇敢了。

    It is so brave of him to rush into the building to put out the fire with his own jacket .

  9. 一个从上面撞进去了,他于是遇到火,而且我以为这火是真的。

    One hurls itself into the chimney from the top , falling into the flame , and I fancy the flame is real .