
huǒ róng
  • tinder
火绒 [huǒ róng]
  • [tinder] 艾绒加硝做成的火镰、火石引火之物

火绒[huǒ róng]
  1. 植物经过长期乾旱之后乾枯得如同火绒一般。

    The plant is as dry as tinder after this long drought .

  2. 棉布袜还可以提供点火用的火绒。

    Cotton socks can also provide you with a source of fire-starting tinder .

  3. 于是他拿出火绒箱,并敲击打火石。

    Then he took out his tinderbox and struck the flint .

  4. “拿到我的火绒箱了吗?”老巫婆问。

    Have you got my tinderbox ? @ asked the old witch .

  5. 突然间,他想起火绒箱里有一根蜡烛。

    Suddenly he remembered that there was a candle in the tinderbox .

  6. 于是他拿出火绒箱和蜡烛。

    He took out the tinderbox and the candle .

  7. 士兵带着钱以及火绒箱走到一座城镇。

    He took the money and the tinderbox and went to a town .

  8. 但是老巫婆仍然不肯告诉他该如何使用火绒箱。

    But the old witch would not tell him how to use the tinderbox .

  9. “你打算怎么处理这个火绒箱呢?”士兵问。

    What do you want to do with this tinderbox ? @ said the soldier .

  10. 他拿出火绒箱敲击一次、二次、三次!

    He took out his tinderbox and struck the flint once , twice , three times !

  11. 他像火绒似的怒火中烧起来。“你说我撒谎?”他问道。

    He spunked up like tinder . " do you call me a liar ?" he said .

  12. 在欧洲,保持钢、打火石和火绒的化合物作为点火的主要方法一直持续到19世纪中期。

    In Europe , the combination of steel , flint and tinder remained the main method of fire-lighting until the mid 19th century .

  13. 小男孩听了很高兴,便跑到士兵的屋里找到火绒箱,将它带给士兵。

    The little boy was glad to hear that , so he ran to the soldier 's house for the tinderbox and brought it to the soldier .

  14. 维京人会从树皮上收集一种叫做火绒的真菌,并在尿液中将火绒沸煮几天,再将其捶打至与原来相似的物质。

    They would collect a fungus called touchwood from tree bark and boil it for several days in urine before pounding it into something akin to felt .