
  • 网络spark chamber
  1. 本文研究了充Ne的平行板火花室在气压200&700毫米汞柱范围内探测效率与气压、间隙宽度和工作电压的关系;

    The dependence of parallel plate spark chamber efficiency on pressure , gap widths and applied voltage has been studied in the pressure range 200 & 700 mm Hg of neon .

  2. 火花室在低于大气压下的工作特性

    Performance characteristics of spark chamber at pressures lower than 1 atm

  3. 实验表明:火花室的效率随气压P与间隙d乘积的增加和工作电压的增大而增加,火花室的阈值电压服从Paschen规律。

    It is shown that the efficiency increases when the product of pressure P and gap with d and voltage increase , and the threshold voltage of the spark chamber follows Paschen 's Law .

  4. 火花室时间特性的研究

    An investigation of the time characteristics of a spark chamber

  5. 火花室清扫电场的恰当选择

    The proper choice of clearing field of the spark chamber

  6. 电光显示式火花室吸收谱仪的原理设计和误差分析

    The principle design and error analysis of spark chamber absorption spectrometer with electroluminescence display

  7. 也研究了在此气压范围内火花室阈值电压与气压和间隙宽度的关系。

    The dependence of the threshold voltage on pressure , gap widths has also been studied in the same range .

  8. 火花点火发动机燃烧室沉积物未燃碳氢排放的理论与实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Study on Unburned Hydrocarbon Emissions from Combustion Chamber Deposits in Spark Ignition Engines

  9. 本文从实验和理论两个方面来系统地研究火花点火式发动机燃烧室沉积物处未燃碳氢排放浓度随冷却水温、发动机转速、节气门开度和点火提前角等运转参数的变化规律。

    In this paper , the relations of operating parameters such as coolant temperature , engine speed , throttle valve opening and spark advance angle with unburned hydrocarbon emissions due to the presence of combustion chamber deposits in spark ignition engine are investigated both theoretically and experimentally .