
  • 网络Anthurium;flamingo flower;anthurium andraeanum
  1. 火鹤花上的几种线虫鉴定

    Identification of nematode species on Anthurium andraeanum

  2. 火鹤花离体培养无菌体系建立技术的研究

    Study on the Building Technique of in vitro Sterility Culture System of Anthurium andraeanum

  3. 火鹤花衰退病诊断与检疫

    Quarantine and diagnosis of Anthurium decline disease

  4. 如果你想送有香味的话,可以选择栀子花,百合花,丁香花,小苍兰或香豌豆花。如果你想送不会在一夜之间枯萎的热带鲜花,可以选择火鹤花,天堂鸟,生姜花。

    If you want to send a fragrant flower , go for gardenias , lilies of the valley , lilacs , freesia , or sweet peas . Hardy tropical types that won 't wilt overnight include Anthuriums , birds of paradise , and ginger .