
  • 网络Gray forest soil;greyzems;grey forest soil;Typic gray forest soil
  1. 核状结构灰色森林土

    Nut structured gray forest soil

  2. 土地利用方式转变后灰色森林土有机碳矿化的温度响应特征

    Temperature sensitivity of organic C mineralization in gray forest soils after land use conversion

  3. 典型灰色森林草原土黄土高原农牧交错带人工乔灌木林冠截留

    Canopy interception of tree and shrub plantations in a farming-pastoral zone of Loess Plateau

  4. 典型灰色森林草原土北京西山地区典型植被类型森林发展类型设计研究

    Study on the Designing of Forest Development Types for Typical Vegetation Types in Xi'shan Region , Beijing , China