
  • 网络disaster relief;natural disaster relief
  1. adhoc网络在军事领域、灾害救助、传感器网络、偏远野外等场合有着广阔的应用前景。

    Ad Hoc networks have broad application prospects in military field and disaster relief , sensor network , a remote field applications .

  2. 我国农村灾害救助存在的问题及其对策

    Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Disaster Relief in Rural Areas

  3. 研究了UWB雷达目标的宽带特性,针对城市灾害救助与生命搜索任务建立了探测仿真实验模型;

    The wide band characteristics of the target of the UWB radar have been studied , more than that , the simulation experimental model in view of the city disaster rescue and the life search has been established .

  4. 修复的花费有可能达到1000万美元,州里正在申请联邦灾害救助,Kempton说。

    The cost of the repairs would likely run into the tens of millions of dollars , and the state was seeking federal disaster aid , Kempton said .

  5. 我国政府灾害救助管理的制约因素研究

    The Constraints Research in Disaster Relief Management of China Government

  6. 十月初,加州州长杰里·布朗请求联邦灾害救助。

    In early October , Governor Jerry Brown asked for federal disaster aid .

  7. 突发性灾害救助的伦理审思

    An Ethical Examination on the Aiding of Unexpected Calamities

  8. 基于替代算法的案例推理灾害救助系统

    Case-Based Reasoning Disaster Salvation System Based on Alternative Arithmetic

  9. 中外历史上都有灾害救助制度与实践的记载。

    Both Chinese and foreign history and practice of disaster relief system records .

  10. 略论灾害救助中的政府行为

    On the government behavior in disaster relief

  11. 从汶川地震看我国自然灾害救助体系的健全

    On the Way of Improving Relief System on Natural Disaster in View of Wenchuan Earthquake

  12. 第五章针对我国自然灾害救助体系存在的问题提出完善的对策和建议。

    Chapter five put perfect countermeasures and suggestions to improve our natural disaster assistance system .

  13. 内地灾害救助的发展及与港、澳的比较思考

    The Development of Disaster Assistance in Chinese Mainland and the Compare with Hong Kong and Macao

  14. 第二部分是我国自然灾害救助法制建设的需求分析。

    Part two is the demand analysis of the legal construction of natural calamity of our country .

  15. “帐篷短腿”已经成为这次灾害救助中最为严重的问题之一。

    The rent shortage has become one of the most severe challenges in the earthquake relief effort .

  16. 主要介绍1998年以来中国在自然灾害救助方面的体系建设和能力建设。

    The reforms centers on the construction of the natural disaster relief system and construction of capability .

  17. 第三部分探讨灾害救助中的国家责任的理论表达、制度表达。

    The third part of disaster relief in the theoretical expression of state responsibility , institutional expression .

  18. 论灾害救助实力

    On disaster relief strength

  19. 第一章第一部分从概念、特征两个方面介绍自然灾害救助法律制度。

    The first part of chapter I chiefly discusses the concept and characteristics of the natural disasters rescue .

  20. 一个时期形成的灾害救助思想,是对社会问题的深度思考。

    The thoughts of disaster rescue resulting from one period is generally the deep deliberation of pertinent social problems .

  21. 完善救灾体系,做好灾害救助是对灾民权利的最有力的保护和弥补。

    Improve the relief system , the most powerful protection of victims rights and make up to do disaster relief .

  22. 但是,我国在灾害救助,特别是特大灾害救助方面,仍然缺少一部系统性的基础法律文件。

    China in disaster relief , however , especially in large ones , still lacks of a systematically basic law .

  23. 第四章主要考察了民国时期民间参与灾害救助模式的进一步转型。

    The fourth chapter discusses the period of the Republic of China private participation in disaster relief mode further transformation .

  24. 通过去年的经历,我们成为了社区支援灾害救助领域的专家

    In the course of the past year , we 've become experts in the field of community-powered disaster recovery .

  25. 广播媒介在灾害救助中的积极作用&基于汶川等十县市的调查结果

    Positive Functions of the Broadcast Media in the Disaster Relief & based on the investigation result in ten cities including Wenchuan

  26. 中美灾害救助体制比较&以汶川地震和卡特里娜飓风为例

    Comparison of the Disaster Relief System between China and the USA - Based on the Wenchuan Earthquake and the Katrina Hurricane

  27. 其中,社会救助体系包括农村医疗救助、农村教育救助、农村自然灾害救助、农村住房救助和农村扶贫。

    The social relief system consists of rural Medicaid , education aid , disaster assistance , housing assistance and poverty relief .

  28. 这些思想涉及灾害救助、特殊救助等方面,并有严格的政府救助管理、监督制度和程序。

    These thoughts involved such aspects as disaster relief and special relief with rather strict official management , supervision system and procedures .

  29. 灾害救助制度有力地保障了灾区人民的基本生活。

    This disaster relief system has gone a long way toward guaranteeing the basic livelihood of the people in the disaster-stricken areas .

  30. 灾害救助是社会救助的重要组成部分,也是社会协调能力的重要表现之一。

    Disaster rescue is an integral part of social rescue , which is also one of important manifestations of social coordinate ability .